Bhaskar Sarma
Bhaskar Sarma is a MSSQL DBA working in HealthCare since 2005.
Bhaskar is a Senior Database Administrator working in the HealthCare domain for the past 8 years. He has a total 16 years of IT experience. Bhaskar is MCITP on Administering SQL 2012 and currently working on some High Availability projects. Bhaskar used to provide training on various topics on SQL Server to his team members and he likes to share his knowledge. In his past role he managed a team along with his DBA activities and being a project Management Professional (PMP) he provided training on various topics on PMBOK as well. In his spare time he likes to cook.
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Category | Tip Title |
Availability Groups | Adding SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups to existing Failover Clusters |
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