Use below code for sql server 2008 and above
USE [master]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_backup_restoredb] Script Date: 03/08/2011 12:46:32 ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_backup_restoredb]
@dbname varchar(150) = null, -- DB to be backed up
@restorepaths varchar(max) = '', -- Path(s) to the files containing backups to be restored from, semi-colon delimited, if any...if not
-- passed, we try to grab information from MSDB instead
@moveLogsTo varchar(max) = '', -- Path to location that log files for the database being restored should be moved to...
@moveDataTo varchar(max) = '', -- Path(s) to location(s) that data files for the database being restored should be moved to...semi-colon delimited list...
-- if more data files exist than paths are passed, data files are simply restored in a round-robin fashion to the locations
-- specified...if more paths are specified here than there are data files, the first paths listed are used up to the # of data
-- files, then the other paths are simply ignored...
@fileFilGroupPageString varchar(max) = '', -- Is a string of either a file, filegroup, or page string that will be used (if passed) as the <file_or_filegroup_or_pages>
-- portion of the restore string - should match the proper format as outlined in BOL for this section exactly, since we basically just
-- append here. The format as of me writing this is as follows:
<file_or_filegroup_or_pages> ::=
FILE = { logical_file_name_in_backup }
| FILEGROUP = { logical_filegroup_name } }
| PAGE = 'fileNumber:page [ ,...n ]'
@newDbName varchar(150) = null, -- Name of the restored database - if left default/null, the @dbname is used...
@filePattern varchar(150) = '*', -- Pattern of files to match for within the @restorepaths - by default, is everything (i.e. *) -
-- only valid if a value is specified for @restorepaths
@stopAt datetime = null, -- Date/time to stop at within the restore, if specified...
@opts int = 0 -- Options that drive execution for the proc
-- 1 bit - If set, execution is suppressed and the strings are simply output...
-- 2 bit - If set, recovery is performed at the end of all default, db is left in norecovery state...
-- 4 bit - If set, LiteSpeed is used for recovery statements...
-- 8 bit - If set, we'll forcefully drop existing connections to the db in order to allow restore prior to restoring...
-- 16 bit - If set, we will NOT use diff backups in the restore, only full and tlog backups...
-- 32 bit - If set, CHECKSUM is used for the restore - this is only valid if a native restore is used...
-- 64 bit - If set, PAGE level restore is used, and the pages to be restored are built from the data in the suspect_pages table
-- 128 bit - If set, and a value is set in @restorepath, we will try to find a time/date stamp within
-- the name of each file found in the @restorepath matching @filePattern - we will simply
-- try to find 14 concurrent numbers within the name to signify as such...
-- 256 bit - If set and the 1 bit is not set (i.e. we are executing), errors raised during the execution
-- of the restore statements will be silently captured and reported without re-raising back to
-- the calling code. Error number and message will be output as a print statement, but no error
-- will be raised...
set nocount on;
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted;
-- Cleanup as necessary...
if object_id('tempdb..#dbrestore') > 0
drop table #dbrestore;
if object_id('tempdb..#files') > 0
drop table #files;
-- Table that creates the sql data for the actual restore operation
create table #dbrestore (id int, textdata varchar(max));
-- List of all the files that are potentially included in the restore
create table #files (pkid int identity(1,1), pathAndFileName varchar(max), filname varchar(max), backupEndDate datetime,
fileNumber int, sortval varchar(150), groupval varchar(150), backupType smallint);
-- Index...
create unique clustered index ixc__#files__pkid__dbRestoreProc on #files (pkid);
create nonclustered index ixc__#files__sortVal_backupType__dbRestoreProc on #files (sortval,backupType);
create nonclustered index ixc__#files__groupval__dbRestoreProc on #files (groupval);
-- List of files captured from a 'restore filelistonly' operation
declare @filelist table (LogicalName nvarchar(128), PhysicalName nvarchar(260), Type char(1), FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
Size numeric(20,0), MaxSize numeric(20,0), FileId bigint, CreateLSN numeric(25,0), DropLSN numeric(25,0), UniqueId uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0), ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0), BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize int, FileGroupId int, LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier, DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0), DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnly bit, IsPresent bit,TDEThumbprint varbinary(32));
declare @filelist_ls table (LogicalName nvarchar(128), PhysicalName nvarchar(260), Type char(1), FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
Size numeric(20,0), MaxSize numeric(20,0), FileId bigint, CreateLSN numeric(25,0), DropLSN numeric(25,0), UniqueId uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0), ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0), BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize int, FileGroupId int, LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier, DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0), DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnly bit, IsPresent bit,TDEThumbprint varbinary(32));
-- List of header data captured from a 'restore headeronly' operation
declare @headerdata table (BackupName nvarchar(128), BackupDescription nvarchar(255), BackupType smallint, ExpirationDate datetime,
Compressed tinyint, Position smallint, DeviceType tinyint, UserName nvarchar(128), ServerName nvarchar(128), DatabaseName nvarchar(128),
DatabaseVersion int, DatabaseCreationDate datetime, BackupSize numeric(20,0), FirstLSN numeric(25,0), LastLSN numeric(25,0),
CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0), DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0), BackupStartDate datetime, BackupFinishDate datetime,
SortOrder smallint, CodePage smallint, UnicodeLocaleId int, UnicodeComparisonStyle int, CompatabilityLevel tinyint,
SoftwareVendorId int, SoftwareVersionMajor int, SoftwareVersionMinor int, SoftwareVersionBuild int, MachineName nvarchar(128),
Flags int, BindingID uniqueidentifier, RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier, Collation nvarchar(128), FamilyGUID uniqueidentifier,
HasBulkLoggedData bit, IsSnapshot bit, IsReadOnly bit, IsSingleUser bit, HasBackupChecksums bit, IsDamaged bit, BeginsLogChain bit,
HasIncompleteMetaData bit, IsForceOffline bit, IsCopyOnly bit, FirstRecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier, ForkPointLSN numeric(25,0),
RecoveryModel nvarchar(60), DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0), DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier, BackupTypeDescription nvarchar(60),
BackupSetGUID uniqueidentifier,CompressedBackupSize int);
-- Temporary holding location for parsed input data
declare @tempdata table (pkid int identity(1,1), textdata varchar(max));
-- List of locations to move data/logs to
declare @newDataLocations table (pkid int identity(1,1), textdata varchar(max));
-- Local var init...
declare @workingpaths varchar(max),
@sql nvarchar(max),
@dir varchar(max),
@cmd varchar(8000),
@i int,
@n int,
@l int,
@minId int,
@latestFullSortVal varchar(150),
@groupVal varchar(150),
@sortVal varchar(150),
@fileName varchar(max),
@pathAndName varchar(max),
@moveLogSql varchar(max),
@moveDataSql varchar(max),
@stopAtChar char(23);
-- Format incoming data
select @dbname = ltrim(rtrim(@dbname)),
@restorepaths = isnull(ltrim(rtrim(@restorepaths)),''),
@opts = isnull(@opts,0),
@sql = N'',
@moveLogSql = '',
@moveDataSql = '',
@stopAt = case when @stopAt > 0 then @stopAt else null end,
@fileFilGroupPageString = case when len(@fileFilGroupPageString) > 0 then @fileFilGroupPageString when @opts & 64 = 64 then '' else '' end;
-- Format additional data...
select @newDbName = case when len(@newDbName) > 0 then ltrim(rtrim(@newDbName)) else @dbname end,
@stopAtChar = case when @stopAt > 0 then convert(char(25), @stopAt, 121) else null end,
@filePattern = case when len(@restorepaths) > 0 then ltrim(rtrim(@filePattern)) else null end;
-- Ensure we have a trailer
if len(@moveLogsTo) > 0
select @moveLogsTo = @moveLogsTo + case when right(@moveLogsTo,1) = '\' then '' else '\' end;
-- Get page restore data if needed...use a mask of 68 since we can't use this with a LiteSpeed restore currently...
if @opts & 68 = 64 begin
select @fileFilGroupPageString = @fileFilGroupPageString +
case when len(@fileFilGroupPageString) > 0 then ',' else '' end +
cast(file_id as varchar(10)) + ':' + cast(page_id as varchar(25))
from msdb.dbo.suspect_pages p
where p.database_id = db_id(@dbname)
and p.event_type not in(4,5,7)
select @fileFilGroupPageString = 'PAGE=''' + @fileFilGroupPageString + '''';
-- Init data
select @workingpaths = @restorepaths;
-- Get the data needed for building the restore strings
if len(@restorepaths) > 0 begin
-- Parse the specified restore path list into a table set
while charindex(';', @workingpaths) > 0 begin
insert @tempdata (textdata)
select rtrim(ltrim(substring(@workingpaths, 1, charindex(';', @workingpaths) - 1)))
-- Trim the list down
select @workingpaths = substring(@workingpaths, charindex(';', @workingpaths) + 1, len(@workingpaths))
end -- while charindex(';', @workingpaths)
-- Get the last DB in there if needed
if len(@workingpaths) > 0
insert @tempdata (textdata)
select rtrim(ltrim(@workingpaths))
-- Ensure we have a path delimiter...
update @tempdata
set textdata = textdata + '\'
where right(textdata,1) <> '\';
-- No path(s) specified, build from msdb if possible
end else begin
select @n = null, @i = null;
select @sql = N'select top 1 @i = backup_set_id
from msdb.dbo.backupset
where database_name = @dbname
and type = ''D''
and is_snapshot = 0
and is_copy_only = 0
and backup_finish_date is not null
and ((backup_start_date <= @stopAt)
or (@stopAt is null))
order by backup_finish_date desc, backup_set_id desc;
select top 1 @n = backup_set_id
from msdb.dbo.backupset
where database_name = @dbname
and type = ''I''
and is_snapshot = 0
and is_copy_only = 0
and backup_finish_date is not null
and backup_set_id > @i
order by backup_finish_date desc, backup_set_id desc;
if ((@opts & 16 = 16) or (coalesce(@n,-1) < @i))
select @n = @i;';
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@dbname varchar(250), @opts int, @i int output, @n int output, @stopAt datetime', @dbname, @opts, @i output, @n output, @stopAt;
select @sql = N'
with backupPathList (backupId, position, singleDevice, backupType, fileNumber, backupEndDate) as (
select b.backup_set_id, f.family_sequence_number as position,
coalesce(f.physical_device_name,f.logical_device_name) as singleDevice,
b.type as backupType, b.position as fileNumber, backup_finish_date as backupEndDate
from msdb.dbo.backupset b with(nolock)
join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily f with(nolock)
on b.media_set_id = f.media_set_id
where b.database_name = @dbname
and b.is_snapshot = 0
and b.is_copy_only = 0
and b.backup_finish_date is not null
insert #files (pathAndFileName, filname, fileNumber, sortval, groupval, backupEndDate)
select singleDevice,
right(singleDevice, charindex(''\'',reverse(singleDevice),1) - 1),
right(''000000000000'' + cast(backupId as varchar(10)), 10),
cast(backupId as varchar(10)), backupEndDate
from backupPathList
where ((backupId = @i)
or (backupId >= @n))
' + case when @opts & 16 = 16 then 'and backupType <> ''I'' ' else '' end + '
order by backupId;';
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@dbname varchar(250), @i int, @n int', @dbname, @i, @n;
end -- else, if len(@restorepaths) > 0
-- Ensure we have something(s) to restore from
if ((select count(*) from @tempdata) = 0) and ((select count(*) from #files) = 0) begin
raiserror('No restore data was found for database [%s] and path(s) specified [%s]. Please correct and try again.', 16, 1, @dbname,@restorepaths)
goto finished
-- Get the move to data locations if needed...
if len(@moveDataTo) > 0 begin
-- Parse the specified restore path list into a table set
while charindex(';', @moveDataTo) > 0 begin
insert @newDataLocations (textdata)
select rtrim(ltrim(substring(@moveDataTo, 1, charindex(';', @moveDataTo) - 1)))
-- Trim the list down
select @moveDataTo = substring(@moveDataTo, charindex(';', @moveDataTo) + 1, len(@moveDataTo))
end -- while charindex(';', @workingpaths)
-- Get the last location if needed...
if len(@moveDataTo) > 0
insert @newDataLocations (textdata)
select rtrim(ltrim(@moveDataTo));
-- Ensure we have a path delimiter...
update @newDataLocations
set textdata = textdata + '\'
where right(textdata,1) <> '\';
-- If we are restoring from a filelist and not the system tables, figure out the sort order for these suckers...
if len(@restorepaths) > 0 begin
select @i = 1, @n = max(pkid)
from @tempdata;
-- Get all the files from the directories in question...
while @i <= @n begin
select @dir = textdata
from @tempdata
where pkid = @i;
select @cmd = 'dir /B /A-D "' + @dir + case when len(@filePattern) > 0 then @filePattern else '' end + '"';
insert #files (filname)
exec xp_cmdshell @cmd;
update #files
set pathAndFileName = @dir + filname
where pathAndFileName is null;
select @i = @i+1;
-- Cleanup the list...
delete #files
where (filname is null
or lower(filname) like('%file not found%')
or lower(filname) like('%cannot find the%'));
-- Remove diffs (if possible) if we're supposed to try to do so and we are using a date/time grouping (otherwise we pull from the restore header)
if @opts & 144 = 144
delete #files
where ((filname like ('%[_-~!$.]diff[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%.dif'))
or (filname like('diff[_-~!$.]%')));
-- Ensure we have something(s) to restore from
if not exists(select * from #files) begin
raiserror('No restore data was found for database [%s] and path(s) specified [%s]. Please correct and try again.', 16, 1, @dbname,@restorepaths)
goto finished
select @minId = min(pkid), @i = null from #files;
-- if we got a file...
if @minId > 0 begin
-- If the caller flagged for us to try and use a date/time stamp within the files as the grouping/sorting value, do
-- so - otherwise we drop into each file to determine the grouping and sorting...
if @opts & 128 = 128 begin
-- Now, with the files, find a spot in the filename that is the date/time stamp...we basically will simply look for
-- a spot with at least 14 concurrent numeric values, preceeded by an underscore, and followed by more digits and a dot and extension...
select @i = patindex('%[_-~!$.][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%[.]%', filname) + 1, @l = len(filname)
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
if @i > 1 begin
select @n = charindex('.',filname,@i)
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
if @n = 0
select @n = charindex('_',filname,@i)
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
if @n = 0
select @n = charindex('-',filname,@i)
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
select @n = case when @n > 0 then (@n-@i) else len(filname) end
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
update #files
set groupval = substring(filname,(@i + (len(filname) - @l)),@n),
sortval = substring(filname,(@i + (len(filname) - @l)),@n) + filname;
end else begin
print 'No DATETIME stamp value could be found in the file names - no special sorting will be applied';
-- Get the latest full backup sort value...
select @latestFullSortVal = max(sortval)
from #files
where ((filname like ('%[_-~!$.]full[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%.ful'))
or (filname like('full[_-~!$.]%')));
end else begin -- if @opts & 128 = 128...not using a date/time stamp to specify grouping, drop into each file
select @i = min(pkid), @n = max(pkid) from #files;
-- Go through each file using the MediaSetID value as the group...
while @i <= @n begin
select @pathAndName = pathAndFileName, @fileName = filname
from #files
where pkid = @i;
if @@rowcount > 0 begin
-- Get the header data...
delete @headerdata;
select @sql = case
when @opts & 4 = 4 then 'exec master.dbo.xp_restore_headeronly @filename = ''' + @pathAndName + ''';'
else 'restore headeronly from disk = ''' + @pathAndName + ''''
-- LiteSpeed insert differs slightly...
if @opts & 4 = 4 begin
begin try
insert @headerdata (UnicodeComparisonStyle, Collation, BackupSetGUID, BackupName, BackupDescription, BackupType, ExpirationDate, Compressed, Position, DeviceType, UserName,
ServerName, DatabaseName, DatabaseVersion, DatabaseCreationDate, BackupSize, FirstLSN, DatabaseBackupLSN, CheckpointLSN,
DifferentialBaseLSN, BackupStartDate, BackupFinishDate, SortOrder, CodePage, CompatabilityLevel, SoftwareVendorId,
SoftwareVersionMajor, SoftwareVersionMinor, SoftwareVersionBuild, MachineName, BindingID, RecoveryForkID, Flags)
exec (@sql);
end try
begin catch
-- Could be a native restore using liteSpeed...try normal...
select @sql = 'restore headeronly from disk = ''' + @pathAndName + ''''
insert @headerdata
exec (@sql);
end catch
end else begin -- no LiteSpeed...
insert @headerdata
exec (@sql);
-- First delete the existing record...
delete #files where pkid = @i;
-- Insert all the files from this file...
insert #files (pathAndFileName, filname, fileNumber, sortval, groupval, backupType, backupEndDate)
select @pathAndName, @fileName, Position,
cast(DatabaseBackupLSN as varchar(50)) + '_' + cast(replace(replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar(50), BackupFinishDate, 121),'-',''),':',''),'.',''),' ','') as char(17)) + '_' + cast(Position as varchar(15)),
cast(BackupSetGUID as char(36)),
BackupType, BackupFinishDate
from @headerdata
where DatabaseName = @dbname
and ((@opts & 16 = 0) -- Either we are using diffs, or...
or (@opts & 16 = 16 and BackupType not in(5,6,8))); -- we aren't and this isn't a diff...
end -- if @@rowcount > 0 begin
select @i = @i + 1;
end -- while @i <= @n begin
-- Get the latest full backup sort value...
select @latestFullSortVal = max(sortval)
from #files
where backupType = 1;
end -- if @opts & 128 = 128
end -- if @minId > 0
-- Remove everything before the most recent full backup...
delete #files
where sortval < @latestFullSortVal;
-- If we didn't group by...
update #files
set groupval = cast(pkid as varchar(50))
where groupval is null;
-- If we are using diffs, try to find the latest diff backup (if we can) and remove any tlog backups
if @opts & 16 = 0 begin
-- Find the latest diff backup, and delete any diff/log backups prior to that set...
if exists(select * from #files where backupType > 0) begin
select top 1 @groupVal = groupval, @sortVal = sortval
from #files
where backupType = 5
order by sortval desc;
delete #files
where sortval < @sortVal
and groupval <> @groupVal
and backupType in(5,2);
end else begin
select top 1 @groupVal = groupval, @sortVal = sortval
from #files
where ((filname like ('%[_-~!$.]diff[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%.dif'))
or (filname like('diff[_-~!$.]%')))
order by sortval desc;
delete #files
where sortval < @sortVal
and groupval <> @groupVal
and ((filname like ('%[_-~!$.]diff[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%.dif'))
or (filname like('diff[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%[_-~!$.]log[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('log[_-~!$.]%'))
or (filname like('%.trn'))
end -- if @opts & 16 = 0
end -- if len(@restorepaths) > 0
-- If we didn't group successfully...
update #files
set groupval = cast(pkid as varchar(50))
where groupval is null;
-- If we need to move log or data, build list to do so now...
if (len(@moveLogsTo) > 0) or ((select count(*) from @newDataLocations) > 0) begin
select @minId = min(pkid) from #files;
select @sql = case
when @opts & 4 = 4 then 'exec master.dbo.xp_restore_filelistonly @filename = ''' + pathAndFileName + ''';'
else 'restore filelistonly from disk = ''' + pathAndFileName + ''''
from #files
where pkid = @minId;
if @opts & 4 = 4 begin
-- Using LiteSpeed
insert @filelist (LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, MaxSize)
exec (@sql);
update f
set FileId = rn
from @filelist f
join (select row_number() over (order by LogicalName) as rn, LogicalName as lName from @filelist f2) f3
on f.LogicalName = f3.lName;
end else begin
-- not using LiteSpeed
insert @filelist
exec (@sql);
-- Do we need to move logs?
if len(@moveLogsTo) > 0
select @moveLogSql = @moveLogSql +
case when len(@moveLogSql) > 0 then ',' else '' end +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then ' @with = ''move "' else ' move ''' end + LogicalName +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"' else '''' end + ' to ' +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"' else '''' end + @moveLogsTo + @newDbName +
case when (select count(*) from @filelist where Type = 'L') > 1 then cast(FileId as varchar(5)) else '' end +
'.ldf' +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"''' else '''' end
from @filelist
where Type = 'L';
-- Do we need to move data files?
if exists(select * from @newDataLocations) begin
-- If we have data locations, ensure we have as many data location records as we have files to move...
while (select count(*) from @filelist where Type <> 'L') > (select count(*) from @newDataLocations)
insert @newDataLocations (textdata)
select textdata
from @newDataLocations
order by pkid;
-- Build the move to string for data files
select @moveDataSql = @moveDataSql +
case when len(@moveDataSql) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) else '' end +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then ' @with = ''move "' else ' move ''' end + f.LogicalName +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"' else '''' end + ' to ' +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"' else '''' end + l.textdata +
case when id = 1 then @newDbName + '.mdf' else LogicalName + '.ndf' end +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '"''' else '''' end
from (
select row_number() over(order by FileId) as id, LogicalName, FileId
from @filelist
where Type <> 'L'
) f
join @newDataLocations l
on = l.pkid;
end -- if (len(@moveLogsTo) > 0) or ((select count(*) from @newDataLocations) > 0)
-- Need to combine any grouped sets...
if exists(select groupval from #files group by groupval having count(*) > 1) begin
declare groupCursor cursor local fast_forward for
select min(pkid), groupval
from #files
group by groupval
having count(*) > 1;
open groupCursor;
while 1=1 begin
fetch next from groupCursor into @i, @groupVal;
if @@fetch_status <> 0
select @sql = '';
-- Build the full from clause for this particular group...
select @sql = @sql + case when len(@sql) > 0 then ''', ' + char(13) + char(10) + ' ' +
case when @opts & 4 = 4 then '@filename = ''' else 'disk = ''' end else ''
end + pathAndFileName
from #files
where groupval = @groupVal
order by pkid;
-- Update this group's main string
update #files
set pathAndFileName = @sql
where pkid = @i;
-- Remove all others but the main for this group
delete #files
where groupval = @groupVal
and pkid <> @i;
close groupCursor;
deallocate groupCursor;
end -- if exists(select groupval from #files group by groupval having count(*) > 1)
-- If we should be disconnecting clients, build string to do so now...
if @opts & 8 = 8
insert #dbrestore (id, textdata)
select 1, 'if db_id(''' + @newDbName + ''') > 0 ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' alter database ' + @newDbName + ' set read_only with rollback immediate;';
select @i = count(*)
from #dbrestore with(nolock);
-- Build the restore strings...
if @opts & 4 = 4
-- Using LiteSpeed...
insert #dbrestore (id, textdata)
select (a.rownum + (a.rownum - 1)),
'exec master.dbo.' +
when backupType = 2 then 'xp_restore_log '
when filname like('%[_-~!$.]log[_-~!$.]%') then 'xp_restore_log '
when filname like('log[_-~!$.]%') then 'xp_restore_log '
when filname like('%.trn') then 'xp_restore_log '
else 'xp_restore_database '
end + char(13) + char(10) +
' @database = ''' + @newDbName + ''', ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' @filename = ''' + pathAndFileName + ''',' + char(13) + char(10) +
' @logging = 0, ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' @filenumber = ' + cast(coalesce(fileNumber,1) as varchar(25)) + ', ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' @with = ''norecovery'', ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' @with = ''replace''' +
case when len(@stopAtChar) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) + ' @with = ''stopat = ''''' + @stopAtChar + '''''''' else '' end +
case when len(@moveLogSql) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) + ' ' + @moveLogSql else '' end +
case when len(@moveDataSql) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) + @moveDataSql else '' end +
from (
select (row_number() over (order by sortval,pkid) + @i) as rownum, fileNumber, filname, pathAndFileName, backupType
from #files
) a;
-- Not using LiteSpeed...
insert #dbrestore (id, textdata)
select (a.rownum + (a.rownum - 1)),
'restore ' +
when backupType = 2 then 'log '
when filname like('%[_-~!$.]log[_-~!$.]%') then 'log '
when filname like('log[_-~!$.]%') then 'log '
when filname like('%.trn') then 'log '
else 'database '
end + @newDbName + ' ' +
case -- Need to use the page/file setting when this is NOT a log backup...and we've specified a value...
when len(@fileFilGroupPageString) > 0 then
when backupType = 2 then ''
when filname like('%[_-~!$.]log[_-~!$.]%') then ''
when filname like('log[_-~!$.]%') then ''
when filname like('%.trn') then ''
else char(13) + char(10) + ' ' + @fileFilGroupPageString + ' ' + char(13) + char(10)
else ''
end +
'from ' + char(13) + char(10) +
' disk = ''' + pathAndFileName + '''' + char(13) + char(10) +
' with file = ' + cast(coalesce(fileNumber,1) as varchar(25)) + ', norecovery, replace' +
case when @opts & 32 = 32 then ', checksum' else '' end +
case when len(@stopAtChar) > 0 then ', stopat = ''' + @stopAtChar + '''' else '' end +
case when len(@moveLogSql) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) + ' ' + @moveLogSql else '' end +
case when len(@moveDataSql) > 0 then ', ' + char(13) + char(10) + @moveDataSql else '' end +
from (
select (row_number() over (order by sortval,pkid) + @i) as rownum, fileNumber, filname, pathAndFileName, backupType
from #files
) a;
-- Put in GO's between each statement if we aren't executing...
if @opts & 1 = 1
insert #dbrestore (id,textdata)
select id + 1, 'GO '
from #dbrestore;
select @i = max(id)
from #dbrestore;
-- Add recovery if appropriate
if @opts & 2 = 2 begin
insert #dbrestore (id, textdata)
select @i+1, 'restore database ' + @newDbName + ' with recovery;';
if @opts & 1 = 1
insert #dbrestore (id, textdata)
select @i+2, 'GO ';
-- Output results if desired...
if @opts & 1 = 1
select textdata from #dbrestore order by id;
-- Execute if appropriate...
if @opts & 1 = 0 begin
declare restoreSql cursor local fast_forward for
select textdata from #dbrestore order by id;
open restoreSql;
-- Process each restore...
while 1=1 begin
fetch next from restoreSql into @sql;
-- Break when all done...
if @@fetch_status <> 0
-- If we are to trap/eat errors, execute within try/catch, otherwise
-- simply execute so errors are spit out to the client...
if @opts & 256 = 256 begin
-- Execute...
begin try
exec (@sql);
end try
begin catch
print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR START !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!';
print ' Message: ' + quotename(error_message());
print ' Number: ' + quotename(cast(error_number() as varchar(50)));
print ' Statement: [' + left(isnull(@sql,'<NULL>'),1000) + ']';
print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!';
end catch
end else begin
exec (@sql);
end -- while 1=1 begin
end -- if @opts & 1 = 0 begin
-- Close cursor as needed...
if cursor_status('local', 'restoreSql') >= 0 begin
close restoreSql;
deallocate restoreSql;
if cursor_status('local', 'groupCursor') >= 0 begin
close groupCursor;
deallocate groupCursor;
-- Cleanup
if object_id('tempdb..#dbrestore') > 0
drop table #dbrestore;
if object_id('tempdb..#files') > 0
drop table #files;