By: Percy Reyes | Updated: 2015-02-03 | Comments (5) | Related: > Indexing
I am sure sometimes as SQL Server DBAs and Developers we would like to report on more detailed information about indexes on a table. One of the primary means to find the information is sp_helpindex which is a system stored procedure to check index summary information. Unfortunately, we do not have important details like Included Columns, Fill Factor, Index Size and more. In this tip I will share a new and improved stored procedure sp_helpindex2, that I have written, to report information in more detail.
In SQL Server we almost always use sp_helpindex to report information about the indexes on a table, and also the sys.indexes view to get more detailed information like the Fill Factor, Data Space, and more. However, this stored procedure returns just a few important sets of information for only one table at the time. Here is an example:
What about if we need more information about included columns in an index? We can query the sys.index_columns view. Now what about if we need also to check the index size? We will query the sys.partition and sys.allocation_units views. As you can see now, there are many separate views to query to report important index details. So we need a faster way to check all necessary index details in a database. Thinking about it, I decided to write a new and improved version of sp_helpindex named sp_helpindex2 which will return more information than sp_helpindex.
sp_helpindex2 Code Explanation
There are four main parts of the sp_helpindex2 code. Let's explain more about each part of the code:
- The first part of the code is for index sizes.
- The second part of the code is for general index details.
- The third part of the code is for the index key and included columns details.
- The final part of the code will join the three results into one report.
sp_helpindex2 Syntax
Now it time to show more details about this new stored procedure sp_helpindex2, first let start with the parameters.
sp_helpindex2 [ [ @SchemaName = ] 'SchemaName' ] [ , [ @TableName = ] 'TableName' ], [ , [ @IndexName = ] 'IndexName' ], [ , [ @dataspace = ] 'dataspace' ]
[ @SchemaName = ] 'SchemaName' Name of the schema that the table is contained in, with a default of NULL, which returns all tables regardless schema in the current database. [ @TableName = ] 'TableName' Name of the table that has the indexes to report, with a default of NULL, which returns all tables and their indexes in the current database [ @IndexName = ] 'IndexName' Name of the index for which properties are returned, with a default of NULL, which returns all indexes in the current database [ @dataspace = ] 'dataspace' Name of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme, with a default of NULL, which returns all data spaces that the indexes are contained in.
sp_helpindex2 Usage and Examples
At this time you know the basic syntax and parameters of the stored procedure, now we will show some examples on how to use it.
We can invoke sp_helpindex2 without any parameters to report all details indexes of all tables in the current database. The complete result set includes: SchemaName, TableName, IndexName, IndexKeys, IncludedColumns, Index Size and the properties is_unique, type_desc, data_space, Fill_Factor, IsAutoStatistics, is_disabled, is_padded, allow_page_locks, allow_row_locks, ignore_dup_key. Here is an example:
We can also use the stored procedure with some parameters such as the schema and name table.
We can also query the details for one specific index.
We can also query the indexes that are contained within one specific data space (filegroup or partition scheme). For this example I have moved some indexes to a new SECFG filegroup for demonstration purposes.
The sp_helpindex2 Stored Procedure
This is the complete creation script of the sp_helpindex2 stored procedure:
use [master] go create proc dbo.sp_helpindex2 ( @SchemaName sysname=NULL , @TableName sysname=NULL , @IndexName sysname=NULL , @dataspace sysname=NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON declare @_SchemaName varchar(100) declare @_TableName varchar(256) declare @_IndexName varchar(256) declare @ColumnName varchar(256) declare @is_unique varchar(100) declare @IndexTypeDesc varchar(100) declare @FileGroupName varchar(100) declare @is_disabled varchar(100) declare @IndexColumnId int declare @IsDescendingKey int declare @IsIncludedColumn int -- getting the index sizes SELECT schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName, CAST( 8 * SUM(a.used_pages)/1024.0 AS DECIMAL(20,1))AS 'Indexsize(MB)' INTO #IndexSizeTable from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.partitions AS p ON p.OBJECT_ID = ix.OBJECT_ID AND p.index_id = ix.index_id inner join sys.allocation_units AS a ON a.container_id = p.partition_id WHERE ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and, AND, GROUP BY schema_name(t.schema_id), ix.OBJECT_ID, ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(ix.OBJECT_ID), --getting important properties of indexes select schema_name(t.schema_id) [SchemaName], TableName, IndexName, cast( '' as varchar(max)) AS IndexKeys, casT('' as varchar(max)) AS IncludedColumns, ix.is_unique , ix.type_desc, ix.fill_factor as [Fill_Factor] , ix.is_disabled , as data_space, ix.is_padded, ix.allow_page_locks, ix.allow_row_locks, INDEXPROPERTY(t.object_id,, 'IsAutoStatistics') IsAutoStatistics , ix.ignore_dup_key INTO #helpindex from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.data_spaces da on da.data_space_id= ix.data_space_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and, AND, and, order by schema_name(t.schema_id),, ---getting the index keys and included columns declare CursorIndex cursor for select schema_name(t.schema_id) [schema_name],, from sys.tables t inner join sys.indexes ix on t.object_id=ix.object_id where ix.type>0 and t.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(t.schema_id)= isnull(@SchemaName,schema_name(t.schema_id)) and, AND, order by schema_name(t.schema_id),, open CursorIndex fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName while (@@fetch_status=0) begin declare @IndexColumns varchar(4000) declare @IncludedColumns varchar(4000) set @IndexColumns='' set @IncludedColumns='' declare CursorIndexColumn cursor for select, ixc.is_descending_key, ixc.is_included_column from sys.tables tb inner join sys.indexes ix on tb.object_id=ix.object_id inner join sys.index_columns ixc on ix.object_id=ixc.object_id and ix.index_id= ixc.index_id inner join sys.columns col on ixc.object_id =col.object_id and ixc.column_id=col.column_id where ix.type>0 and tb.is_ms_shipped=0 and schema_name(tb.schema_id)=@_SchemaName and and order by ixc.key_ordinal_id open CursorIndexColumn fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn while (@@fetch_status=0) begin if @IsIncludedColumn=0 set @IndexColumns=@IndexColumns + @ColumnName +', ' else set @IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns + @ColumnName +', ' fetch next from CursorIndexColumn into @ColumnName, @IsDescendingKey, @IsIncludedColumn end close CursorIndexColumn deallocate CursorIndexColumn set @IndexColumns = substring(@IndexColumns, 1, len(@IndexColumns)-1) set @IncludedColumns = case when len(@IncludedColumns) >0 then substring(@IncludedColumns, 1, len(@IncludedColumns)-1) else '' end UPDATE #helpindex SET IndexKeys = @IndexColumns, IncludedColumns=@IncludedColumns WHERE [SchemaName]=@_SchemaName and TableName=@_TableName and IndexName=@_IndexName fetch next from CursorIndex into @_SchemaName, @_TableName, @_IndexName end close CursorIndex deallocate CursorIndex --showing the results SELECT hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns, ixs.[Indexsize(MB)], hi.is_unique, hi.type_desc,hi.data_space, hi.Fill_Factor, hi.IsAutoStatistics, hi.is_disabled, hi.is_padded, hi.allow_page_locks, hi.allow_row_locks,hi.ignore_dup_key FROM #helpindex hi INNER JOIN #IndexSizeTable ixs ON hi.SchemaName=ixs.SchemaName and hi.TableName=ixs.TableName and hi.IndexName=ixs.IndexName order by hi.SchemaName, hi.TableName, hi.IndexKeys, hi.IncludedColumns drop table #helpindex drop table #IndexSizeTable set nocount off end
Mark sp_helpindex2 as a SQL Server System Object
After we have created the sp_helpindex2, then we will mark it as a system object so it can be invoked from any database.
Next Steps
- To read more about the views used to create the new and improved sp_helpindex2
- sp_helpindex (Transact-SQL)
- sys.indexes (Transact-SQL)
- sys.partitions (Transact-SQL)
- sys.allocation_units (Transact-SQL)
- Check out these tips:
- SQL Server Index Analysis Script for All Indexes on All Tables
- All Indexing Tips
About the author
This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.
View all my tips
Article Last Updated: 2015-02-03