Automated way to get all port information for SQL Server instances

By:   |   Updated: 2015-03-09   |   Comments (2)   |   Related: > Security


I was asked to catalog all the port information for our SQL Servers and I'm looking to automate things, or at least gather the information without logging on to each server. When I read up on sys.tcp_endpoints from Books Online, I found the following language:

The information that is displayed regarding ports and IP addresses is not used to configure the protocols and may not match the actual protocol configuration. To view and configure protocols, use SQL Server Configuration Manager.

As a result, I know that I can't query this catalog view, though it would be perfect if I could count on it. I know the TCP port information is stored in the registry. How can I access it?


You have several options. As the Books Online entry for sys.tcp_endpoints states, you can use SQL Server Configuration Manager. If you use Computer Management (under Administrative Tools), you can right-click on Computer Management when the interface comes up and you can switch to a different computer. If you then review Services and Applications, for instances with the SQL Server Client Tools installed on the system where you're running Computer Management, you should see at least one entry for SQL Server Configuration Manager. In the picture below I have multiple versions of SQL Server installed, hence the repeat of the entries for SQL Server Configuration Manager. If there are SQL Server related services installed on the computer and you have the appropriate rights, you can administer them through this interface remotely.

Finding SQL Server port info via the registry

Anything you can do locally, you can do remotely.

Gathering the Information Out of the Registry - GUI

You can also view the information in the registry. SQL Server Configuration Manager is pulling the information out of the registry, so if you know how and where the information is stored, you can get the information either using the standard registry tools or via a scripting language like PowerShell.

The standard GUI tool is Registry Editor which you can access quickly by Start | Run (or Win+R) and then entering regedit:

Gathering the Information Out of the Registry - GUI

Once you bring up Registry Editor, you can connect to a network registry (the registry on a remote computer):

Once you bring up Registry Editor, you can connect to a network registry

However, this is like using Computer Management and SQL Server Configuration Manager, in that you can only collect information on one computer at a time.

Gathering the Information Out of the Registry via a PowerShell Script

If you have a PowerShell interface, you can connect to a remote server (provided it has WinRM installed and configured for remote management) via Enter-PSSession:

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <Computer> -Credential <Domain\Username>

For instance:

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName MySQLServer -Credential MyDomain\MyDBAName

You'll be prompted to enter the password and if you've specified the correct credentials, WinRM is setup, and you have the appropriate rights, you'll be connected.

Whether you're connecting remotely or using PowerShell locally, the keys for SQL Server can be reached via the same calls:

cd HKLM:
cd Software
cd Microsoft
cd "Microsoft SQL Server"

if you execute a dir right here, you'll see the keys underneath. All SQL Server database engine keys will have MSSQL in the name.

SQL Server 2005:

For SQL Server 2005, you'll see MSSQL.#. Unfortunately, the # corresponds to the order in which a particular service was installed. Merely by looking at the key you can't tell anything further. You'll have to navigate further. For instance:

cd MSSQL.1

Then execute a dir and see if you see a key titled MSSQLSERVER. If so, that should be a key containing information on a database engine instance.

SQL Server 2008 and higher:

Newer versions of SQL Server will prefix the key name with MSSQL and the version of SQL Server. You can navigate them the same way. For instance, if I saw a key called MSSQL10_50.SQL2008R2, I would navigate to that key via:

cd MSSQL10_50.SQL2008R2

Getting to the TCP Configuration

After we've navigated to the correct key, we'll need to navigate to SuperSocketNetLib and do a dir:

cd SuperSocketNetLib

You should see the values corresponding to the keys beneath SuperSocketNetLib. We're particular interested in two values grouped together: where the Display Name is TCP/IP and the Enabled value right below it, which is part of the Tcp key (see the Name on the left side):

Getting to the TCP Configuration

In this particular case, we see that TCP/IP is not enabled. Therefore, we have no more work to do with this particular instance. It's not listening on any TCP port. If, however, Enabled is set to 1, we'll need to go further.

If Enabled is set to 1 for a particular instance, then we'll need to navigate into the Tcp key and do another dir:

cd Tcp

Here's an example of an instance with which this is the case:

If Enabled is set to 1 for a particular instance, then we'll need to navigate into the Tcp key and do another dir.

Automating a Crawl Through All the Instances on a Server

One thing we can do is use PowerShell to automate the crawl through the directories. This is especially helpful if more than one instance is installed on a particular server or if you don't happen to know off-hand what the instances are (especially if you're still support SQL Server 2005). Here's a script that does the work for us. There's a lot of checking to remove out keys we don't care about and ensure we're only getting instances, however, the technique is the same as described above. Make sure that your execution policy is set to run the script. You can check this with Get-ExecutionPolicy and set it to the right setting with Set-ExecutionPolicy.

# Store Current Location to return to it when we're done

# Let's get all the possible hives in the registry on a given system
# We'll use Where-Object to filter down to only those hives which begin with MSSQL
# This gets rid SSAS, SSIS, and SSRS for versions of SQL Server 2008 and up. It also
# gets rid of any hives that are under "Microsoft SQL Server" that aren't for instance
# configuration (or at least not what we're looking for)
Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server' | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*MSSQL*'} | foreach {
    # Get Instance Name
    $props = Get-ItemProperty -path $_.PSPath;

    # If there is no default value, this isn't an instance. We need to trap in case the
    # property doesn't exist
    try {
        $InstanceName = $props.psobject.Properties["(default)"].value;
    catch {
        $InstanceName = "";
    # If there is a valid instance name, proceed farther
    if ($InstanceName.length -gt 0) {

        # Navigate the child keys 
        foreach ($key in Get-ChildItem -path $_.pspath){
            # Find entries belonging to actual database engine instances
            if ($ -like "*MSSQLServer*")

                # Navigate to the key where the TCP settings are stored
                Set-Location -path $key.pspath;
                cd .\SuperSocketNetLib\tcp -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;

                # Ensure we're only reporting against the right keys

                $TCPKey = Get-Location;

                if ($TCPKey -like '*SuperSocketNetLib*') {

                    $TCPProps = Get-ItemProperty $TCPKey;

                    # Find out if TCP is enabled
                    $Enabled = $TCPProps.psobject.Properties["enabled"].value;
                    # Begin the reporting
                    Write-Host "Instance Name: $InstanceName";
                    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------------------";

                    # If TCP is not enabled, there's point finding all the ports. Therefore, we check.
                    if ($Enabled -eq 1)
                        foreach ($Key in gci $TCPKey)
                            $IPprops = Get-ItemProperty $Key.pspath;
                            $IPAddress = $IPProps.psobject.Properties["IpAddress"].Value;

                            # For the Key IPAll, there is no IPAddress value. therefore, we trap for it.
                            if ($IPAddress -eq $null)
                                $IPAddress = "All"
                            Write-Host "  IP Address: $IPAddress";
                            Write-Host "    Dyn. Ports: ", $IPProps.psobject.Properties["TcpDynamicPorts"].Value;
                            Write-Host "    Sta. Ports: ", $IPProps.psobject.Properties["TcpPort"].Value;
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "  TCP not enabled."

                    Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
                    Write-Host "";

# Return to original location

And running the output you'll get something like the following:

Automating a Crawl Through All the Instances on a Server
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About the author
MSSQLTips author K. Brian Kelley K. Brian Kelley is a SQL Server author and columnist focusing primarily on SQL Server security.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Article Last Updated: 2015-03-09

Comments For This Article

Friday, August 18, 2017 - 9:55:46 AM - Rafael Back To Top (64994)

Excelente script! Thanks Brian

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 - 1:31:29 PM - Mario Hernandez Back To Top (56892)

Excelent, works great!!


Thanks a lot.


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