SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Custom Branding Example

By:   |   Updated: 2016-12-08   |   Comments (9)   |   Related: > Reporting Services Configuration


Branding is an essential aspect of an organization. It differentiates the company from its competitors and reflects an organization's image. Some of the important aspects of branding are the organization's logo and design templates (color scheme).  SQL Server 2016 provides several enhancements to Reporting Services and the Reporting Services web portal is a new, updated, modern portal, which incorporates KPIs, Mobile Reports, Paginated Reports, Excel, and Power BI Desktop files. The Reporting Services web portal now supports branding for organizations and in this tip we will cover what can be done with branding.


Before we move on, let's look at the Reporting Services web service portal in SQL Server 2014. We do not have any functionality available in this version to customize the web portal with a custom logo, colors, or themes.

SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services Portal

In SQL Server 2016, the Reporting Services web portal looks like below. One of the significant enhancements to SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services is that it now supports branding of the web portal with a logo and custom colors.

SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Portal

SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Branding Overview

To brand the Reporting Services web portal, we need to create a brand package. A brand package consists of the following files:

  • metadata.xml
  • logo.png
  • colors.json
Files for the SQL Server Reporting Services Branding Package

We can download a sample brand package from this link.


The metadata.xml file is used to set the name of the brand package that we want to see in the Reporting Services web portal. It is also references an entry for the colors.json and logo.png files.

Below is the code for the Metadata.xml.

Below is the code for the Metadata.xml

To change the name of your brand package, we need to modify the name attribute of the SystemResourcePackage element.  We can see here that this file has a reference to colors.json and logo.png files in contents. If we want to use a logo, the logo file format should be .png. The logo file dimensions will be scaled once uploaded to the server.

modify the name attribute of the SystemResourcePackage element

It's optional to use a logo in the branding package, so if we do not want to use a logo the contents section is as below.

optional to use a logo in the branding package


As per MSDN, when the brand package is uploaded, the server extracts the appropriate name/value pairs from the colors.json file and merges them with the master LESS stylesheet, brand.less. This LESS file is then processed and the resulting CSS file is served to the client. All colors in the stylesheet follow the six-character hexadecimal representation of a color.  We can use this link to check the hex color codes.

The colors.json file looks like below:

The colors.json file

The colors.json file has two main categories for Reporting Service web portal:

  • Interface
  • Theme

Interface Section for colors.json

The interface section includes items that are particular to the Reporting Services web portal.  The interface section further breaks down to the following items under the interface section.

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Neutral Primary
  • Neutral Secondary
  • Neutral Tertiary
  • Danger/Warning/Success
  • KPIs

The primary section represents button and hover colors.  Below is the code in colors.json for the primary section:


In the below screenshot of the Reporting Services web portal, we can see the mapping of color codes with its look.

Reporting Services web portal mapping of color codes

Primary and Secondary Color Codes in SQL Server Reporting Services

The secondary section provides colors for title bar, search bar, left-hand menu and text color for those items.  Below is the code in colors.json for the secondary section:


Secondary Contrast Colors in SQL Server Reporting Services

Color Mapping for Branding in SQL Server Reporting Services

The neutral primary section is for the home and report area backgrounds.  The neutral secondary section is for text boxes, folder backgrounds and setting menu. The neutral tertiary section provides site background settings.  Below is the code in colors.json for these items:


The neutral primary section is for the home and report area backgrounds

The neutral secondary section is for text boxes, folder backgrounds and setting menu.

There is also a color section for danger, warning and success messages.

The KPI section controls the colors for a good (1), neutral (0), neutral (-1) and none.

Below is the code in colors.json for messages and KPIs:

Code in colors.json for messages and KPIs

Theme Section for colors.json

This group contains the themes for the SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher.

We can see the color palette contains the below items:

  • Background color
  • Data points (twelve colors lines at the bottom) with options for good (green), bad (red), and neutral (yellow).
  • Accent, maps, colors, panel backgrounds

In the SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher, we can see the themes as below:

SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher Themes

Customize Branding with Logo

To customize branding for the SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services web portal, we have to modify the metadata.xml and colors.json files. For this demo purpose, I included the MSSQLTips logo for our Reporting Services web portal. We will be looking at each file to do the customization.

You can find the customized branding package in the attachment section.


Below is the metadata.xml for my branding package. I have specified the name in metadata.xml as MSSQLTips.



I have modified the hex code of colors in the colors.json files for different items.











Once we have all these files ready, zip all the files into a single zip file. We need to follow these things when creating the zip of the branding files.

  • All three files should be in a folder.
  • There should not be any subfolders.

We might get the below error when applying the brand package if all files are not contained in a zip file.

error when applying the brand package if all files are not contained in a zip file

When we unzip and then re-zip the folder, it will create a subfolder in the package. Therefore, this does not work when we upload the branding package.

To create a zip package, select the files:

Create a zip package to overcome the error

Right click and add to zip folder:

Add the Files to the Branding Package.zip

Upload Branding Package into SSRS

Open Reporting Services web portal: http://localhost/Reports_SQL2016/

SQL Server Reporting Services Web Portal

Go to Site Settings:

SQL Server Reporting Services Site Settings

From left-hand menu, click on the Branding menu item:

Upload the branding package in SQL Server Reporting Services

Click on Upload brand package and browse to the path where the zip file exists.

Select the branding package for SQL Server Reporting Services

Select the zip file and click open. At this point the Reporting Services web portal will refresh automatically. It will display the new branding look for the Reporting Services web portal as per defined in the files.

Updated SQL Server Reporting Services Interface with Branding

If we hover the mouse over 'Upload Branding Package' its color also changes:

hover the mouse over 'Upload Branding Package' its color also changes

The Reports home page looks like this:

SQL Server Reporting Services Reports home page

We can see the below changes in the Reporting Services web portal:

  • MSSQLTIPS logo
  • The new color format for background, text, menu, etc...

We can see below the Reporting Services web portal before and after applying the branding package.

SQL Server Reporting Services web portal before and after applying the branding package

In my color.json file, I modified color codes for KPI also.


Therefore, we can see that KPIs also reflect the new color format.

KPIs also reflect the new color format

Customize Branding without a Logo

If we do not wish to include logo in the branding package, remove the logo option from the metadata.xml file.


The package folder should look like the below image without a logo file.

package folder should look like the below image without a logo file

Zip the files (colors.json and metadata.xml) into a single file. Apply the branding package as we did above and we can see that the Reporting Services web portal colors have been set and there is no logo on the site.

Reporting Services web portal colors have been set and there is no logo on the site

If we want to modify the text header from SQL Server Reporting Services, go to Site Settings > General tab:

modify the text header from SQL Server Reporting Services

Change the Name. For example, I want it to display MSSQLTIPS, so make the change and click Apply.

Display MSSQLTIPS in the SQL Server Reporting Services Header

We can see the header displays MSSQLTIPS.

MSSQLTIPS in the header of the SQL Server Reporting Services Portal

Download and Remove Custom Branding in SQL Server Reporting Services

If we want to download the branding package or remove it, we can do it from the branding menu in the site settings page.

Go to Branding menu from SSRS site settings menu:

Download and Remove Custom Branding

Here we can see it shows the name of the currently installed brand package. To download the package click on download and provide the location. If we want to remove the branding package, click on Remove.

Remove Brand Package in SQL Server Reporting Services

Click yes, as we want to remove this brand package and revert to the default and the Reporting Services web portal will return to the default settings as shown below.

Default Reporting Services web portal

SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services branding is a great enhancement to customize as needed, explore further and customize your SSRS portal.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Rajendra Gupta Rajendra Gupta is a Consultant DBA with 14+ years of extensive experience in database administration including large critical OLAP, OLTP, Reporting and SharePoint databases.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Article Last Updated: 2016-12-08

Comments For This Article

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 9:23:59 AM - Harold Back To Top (92458)
Only Enterprise or the Developer versions have the Branding link. Standard does not.

Thursday, July 21, 2022 - 8:59:23 AM - David Collin Back To Top (90295)
Hi can the branding only handle solid colours im trying to make out branding the same as the company which uses Chevrons of slightly differing colours is anything like this possible

Friday, September 4, 2020 - 9:41:28 AM - Tung M Nguyen Back To Top (86416)
Why waste your time doing the same thing Microsoft doing on this tip.

Monday, May 6, 2019 - 2:33:27 PM - Praveen Kumar Back To Top (79959)

Hello Rajendra, Thanks for your response. Our requirement is to change the font color to black, but I have tried to change the Secondary Contrast and NeurtalPrimaryAlt2, but it didn't work. If you know which color needs to be changed to black please suggest.

I have even posted this in MSDN blog, here is the link - https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0b3c275b-e914-4fdd-89b9-deca47d1742c/custom-branding-in-ssrs-portal?forum=sqlreportingservices

Screenshot may give little more information to you!

Thanks in advance!!

Monday, May 6, 2019 - 11:33:25 AM - Rajendra gupta Back To Top (79954)

 Hi Praveen

You need to go through the rest of the multiple color options available and see what suits your requirements.

Sunday, May 5, 2019 - 5:28:28 AM - Praveen Kumar Back To Top (79939)

 Hello, Thanks for your detailed explanation and it really helps to understand the SSRS Branding but I have scenario where SSAS Cube Excel files are in the SSRS Portal when we preview it we get 3 options(Excel Online, Download, Reload), in our case font color of these 3 options in white color and background color is Light Grey so white color font was not visible properly. Could you please suggest which is the right color(Primary\Secondary\Neutral) we can change it to black to visible in Gray background.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 11:21:36 AM - Rajendra gupta Back To Top (79027)

 Jacob, no this cannot be done.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 3:43:32 PM - jacob Back To Top (79015)

 Is it possible to color code the folders in the web report platform? 

Monday, December 25, 2017 - 1:38:59 PM - Frank Geisler Back To Top (74446)

Hi Rajendra!

Great article. To ease this process I wrote an Application called SSRS Styler which can be downloaded here for free https://github.com/Frank-Geisler/SSRS_Styler


have a nice day



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