By: Daniel Calbimonte | Updated: 2017-05-12 | Comments (4) | Related: More > Professional Development Certifications
I am planning to take the Microsoft 70-533 exam. Do you have some tips to study for this exam? Can you provide resources to build my skills for this exam?
Yes, as part of our SQL Server Certification tips, we will include an FAQ about this exam including videos, books, online courses and links.
Who should take this exam?
This exam is oriented to System Administrators, IT Professionals, Developers or other professionals who want to be certified in Microsoft Azure.
What is the exam about?
It is about Azure security, Azure Databases, Azure AD, Azure VM on Windows and Linux, Azure Web Apps, Azure Web and Mobile Apps and more.
This is my first Microsoft Exam. Do you recommend taking this exam first?
If you believe that the topics are familiar to you and you have several years of experience in these topics, you can take this exam directly. However, if you are a newbie in Azure and most of the topics covered, I strongly recommend starting with easier exams like the Microsoft exam 98-364 or maybe Exam 70-461. Once you have some experience with Microsoft exams, you can take Microsoft exam 70-532, which is related to this exam, but a little bit easier.
Is this exam difficult?
Yes. If you have no previous experience in Azure, it is very difficult. This exam requires advanced knowledge in IT, Networking, VM virtualization, Administration and development skills for Web and Mobile apps.
Do you recommend some books for this exam?
No. A big problem with Azure is that the Portal is new and many books are now obsolete. However, this may change in the future.
Do you recommend some courses for this exam?
- Course 20533C: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions is the official Microsoft course. None of the courses or books cover a 100% of the topics. However the documentation online covers 95% of the topics.
- The MVA course, Establish Microsoft Azure IaaS Technical Fundamentals is now obsolete for this exam.
- Pluralsight courses
- Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (70-533) Certification Training
- Cloud Ranger Network
Do you recommend a practice test?
Yes, here you have some practice tests:
- Microsoft Official Practice Test for Exam 533
- Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (70-533) Practice Test is not updated, but there are some useful questions.
Do you recommend some links for this exam?
Yes, the following links will be useful:
Design and implement Azure App Service apps
Deploy Web Apps
- Deploy your app to Azure App Service
- Using Deployment Slot Settings in Azure Web Apps
- Why Azure Deployment Slots are Awesome and How to Use Them
- To rollback a production app after swap
- Set up staging environments in Azure App Service
- Provision and deploy microservices predictably in Azure
- Get started with test in production for Web Apps
- Azure App Service plans in-depth overview
- Move an app to a different App Service plan
- Create an App Service plan
Configure Web Apps
- Configure web apps in Azure App Service
- Web Apps Documentation
- Using Certificates in Azure Websites Applications
- Buy and Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service
- Secure your app's custom domain with HTTPS
- Using Azure Resource Manager-Based XPlat CLI for Azure App Service
Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics
- Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service
- How to: Monitor Apps in Azure App Service
- Streaming Logs and the Console
- Monitor availability and responsiveness of any web site
- Create metric alerts in Azure Monitor for Azure services - Azure portal
- Troubleshoot a web app in Azure App Service using Visual Studio
- Monitor Azure web app performance
Configure Web Apps for scale and resilience
- Scale up an app in Azure
- Scale instance count manually or automatically
- How to: Monitor Apps in Azure App Service
- Controlling Azure web app traffic with Azure Traffic Manager
- App Service Environment Documentation
Create and manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (20–25%)
Deploy workloads on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) virtual machines (VMs)
- Running Windows VM workloads
- Create a Windows virtual machine with the Azure portal
- Create a Windows virtual machine with PowerShell
- Create a Windows virtual machine with the Azure CLI
- Azure and Linux
- Connect to virtual machine
- How to connect and log on to an Azure virtual machine running Windows
Perform configuration management
- Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Overview
- Custom Script Extension for Windows
- Automating Azure virtual machine deployment with Chef
- Managing Azure Virtual Machines With Puppet
- Debugging an Azure cloud service or virtual machine in Visual Studio
- About the virtual machine agent and extensions for Windows VMs
Design and implement VM storage
- Microsoft Azure - Disk Caching
- Exploring Windows Azure Drives, Disks, and Images
- Sizes for Windows virtual machines in Azure
- Windows Virtual Machines Pricing
- Get started with Azure File storage on Windows
- What to do in the event that an Azure service disruption impacts Azure VMs
- Azure Storage replication
- Migrating to Azure Premium Storage (Unmanaged Disks)
- High-performance Premium Storage and managed disks for VMs
Monitor ARM VMs
- Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Monitoring with Azure Diagnostics Extension
- Enable or Disable Azure VM Monitoring
- Create metric alerts in Azure Monitor for Azure services - Azure portal
- Collect and consume diagnostic data from your Azure resources
Monitor ARM VM availability
- Manage the availability of Windows virtual machines in Azure
- Increase VM availability by creating an Azure availability set
- Change the availability set for a Windows VM
- Creating an Internet-facing load balancer using the Azure portal
Scale ARM VMs
- What are virtual machine scale sets in Azure?
- How to create a Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Azure portal
- Create and deploy a virtual machine scale set
- Automatically scale Linux machines in a virtual machine scale set
- Deploy an autoscaling app using a template
Design and implement a storage strategy
Implement Azure storage blobs and Azure files
- Deep Dive into Azure Storage Blobs, Disks, Files, Tables and Queues
- Blob storage
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure Storage
- Setting and Retrieving Properties and Metadata for Blob Resources
- Azure Storage security guide
- Moving data to and from Azure Storage
- Transfer data with the AzCopy Command-Line Utility
- Content Delivery Network
- Overview of the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- Azure Blob Storage and storage hierarchy
- Configuring a custom domain name for an Azure cloud service
- Azure Blob Storage: Hot and cool storage tiers
- Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets
Manage access
- Using shared access signatures (SAS)
- Azure Storage security guide
- Establishing a Stored Access Policy
- Setting a Storage Analytics Data Retention Policy
- About Azure storage accounts
Configure diagnostics, monitoring, and analytics
- Setting a Storage Analytics Data Retention Policy
- Enabling Storage Logging and Accessing Log Data
- Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage
- Storage Analytics
Implement Azure SQL Databases
- SQL Database Pricing
- Backup Strategy in Azure SQL?
- Recover an Azure SQL database using automated database backups
- SQL Server database migration to SQL Database in the cloud
- Azure SQL Database dynamically scale-up or scale-down
- Scaling Azure SQL databases up and down
Implement recovery services
- Back up a Windows Server or client to Azure using the Resource Manager deployment model
- Manage Azure Backup vaults and servers using the classic deployment model
- Restore files to a Windows server or Windows client machine using Resource Manager deployment model
- Restore files to a Windows server or Windows client machine using the classic deployment model
- Questions about the Azure Backup service
- Troubleshoot Azure virtual machine backup
Implement an Azure Active Directory
Integrate an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with existing directories
- Integrate your on-premises directories with Azure Active Directory
- Add a custom domain name to Azure Active Directory
- Monitor your on-premises identity infrastructure and synchronization services in the cloud
Configure Application Access
- What is application access and single sign-on with Azure Active Directory?
- Using a group to manage access to SaaS applications
- Manage access to SaaS Applications With Azure Active Directory
- Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with Facebook account
- Azure Active Directory B2C: Provide sign-up and sign-in to consumers with Google+ accounts
Integrate an app with Azure AD
- How to configure your App Service application to use Azure Active Directory login
- Azure Active Directory Part 5: Graph API
Implement Azure AD B2C and Azure B2B
- Azure Active Directory B2C: Create an Azure AD B2C tenant
- Azure Active Directory B2C: Register your application
- Azure Active Directory B2C: FAQs
- Azure Active Directory B2C: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication in your consumer-facing applications
- Getting started with Password Management
- What is Azure AD B2B collaboration?
- Add users from other directories or partner companies in Azure Active Directory
Implement virtual networks
Configure virtual networks
- Deploy a VM into a virtual network
- Deploy a Linux VM into an existing VNet & NSG using the portal
- Azure Load Balancer overview
- Overview of Application Gateway
- Plan and design Azure Virtual Networks
- Configure private IP addresses for a virtual machine using the Azure portal
- IP address types and allocation methods in Azure
- Filter network traffic with network security groups
- Manage DNS servers used by a virtual network (Classic) using the Azure portal (Classic)
- Understand load balancer probes
- User-defined routes and IP forwarding
- Opening ports to a VM in Azure using the Azure portal
- Create load-balanced VM endpoints with direct server return
Modify network configuration
- How to change Subnet and Virtual Network for Azure Virtual Machines (ASM & ARM)
- Filter network traffic with network security groups
- User-defined routes and IP forwarding
Design and implement a multi-site or hybrid network
- Choose a solution for connecting an on-premises network to Azure
- Configure ExpressRoute and Site-to-Site coexisting connections (classic)
- About VPN Gateway
- About VPN devices and IPsec/IKE parameters for Site-to-Site VPN Gateway connections
- Add a Site-to-Site connection to a VNet with an existing VPN gateway connection (classic)
- Connect an on-premises network to Azure using a VPN gateway
- Connect an on-premises network to Azure using ExpressRoute
Design and deploy ARM templates (10–15%)
Implement ARM templates
- Best practices for creating Azure Resource Manager templates
- Understand the structure and syntax of Azure Resource Manager templates
- Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Azure PowerShell
- Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Azure CLI
- Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Resource Manager REST API
Control access
- Use Azure PowerShell to create a service principal to access resources
- Use portal to create an Azure Active Directory application and service principal that can access resources
- Use Resource Manager authentication API to access subscriptions
- Resource policy overview
- Lock resources to prevent unexpected changes
Design role-based access control (RBAC)
- Use Role-Based Access Control to manage access to your Azure subscription resources
- Get started with Role-Based Access Control in the Azure portal
- Use Role-Based Access Control to manage access to your Azure subscription resources
- Create custom roles for Azure Role-Based Access Control
Next Steps
- The 70-533 exam is a very difficult and requires a lot of Network and Development skills. It is strongly recommended to take the 70-532 exam first.
- For more information about this exam, refer to these links:
About the author
This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.
View all my tips
Article Last Updated: 2017-05-12