Automate SFTP File Transfer with SQL Server Agent and WinSCP

By:   |   Updated: 2020-01-16   |   Comments (9)   |   Related: 1 | 2 | > SQL Server Agent


You need to create an automated process to transfer files using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) with SQL Server Agent.  Check out this article to learn how.


These are the versions used for our examples:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise 1809
  • SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition
  • WinSCP 5.15.9
  • OpenSSH for Windows_8.1 SFTP server


  • You're running SQL Server Standard Edition or higher
  • WinSCP is installed

Scripting SFTP

Scripting with an SFTP client is very similar to scripting with an FTP client.  To get started, I've saved the following to C:\SftpTesting\SftpScripts\sftptest.txt to use as out SFTP client input file. It will be connecting to SFTP server with user sftpuser and password = P@ssword123 to transmit a text file called file1.txt from C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit to the SftpRoot\MyFiles directory.

# open connection to sftp server
open sftp://sftpuser:P@[email protected]
# set file transfer mode to ascii or binary
# change directory
cd SftpRoot\MyFiles
# transmit files from local machine to sftp server
put C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit\file1.txt
#close connection
#exit winscp

Next, we'll need a method to call the SFTP client and input script, so we'll save this to C:\SftpTesting\SftpScripts\sftptest.bat.

:: log to drive
:: change to working directory
cd \SftpTesting\SftpScripts
:: call SFTP client with input file
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script="sftptest.txt"
  1. Open a command prompt and call sftptest.bat
  2. Enter a 'y' at the prompt if the server's host key isn't cached and if you're sure you're connecting to the correct host to cache the key and connection will commence
  3. And there is our file
Run Batch File

If we execute the batch file again, we won't be prompted for the key.

Run Batch File Again

SQL Server Agent Job

The point is to automate this so let's create a SQL Server Agent Job to call it.

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, right click on SQL Server Agent
  2. New
  3. Job…
Create SQL Agent Job
  1. Name step
  2. Set Owner
  3. Add a Description
  4. Steps
Configure SQL Agent Job
  1. New
  2. Name Step
  3. Chose Operating system (CmdExec) in the Type dropdown
  4. Enter the full path to C:\SftpTesting\SftpScripts\sftptest.bat
Create SQL Agent Job Step

Click OK twice.

  1. Right click on the Job
  2. Start Job at Step…
Run SQL Agent Job

This isn't what we want to see.

Failed SQL Agent Job Output
  1. Right click on the Job again
  2. View History
View Job History
  1. Expand the dropdown
  2. Click on the Job Step
  3. View Message
Job Error

The "server's host key was not found in the cache" looks familiar. We've seen it before when we manually ran the batch file and chose 'y' to cache the key.

Host Key Error

The SQL Server Agent has no way to respond to the prompt so how can we fix it? Easy, all we need to do is add the -hostkey= switch along with the key to the open line in our input file.

# open connection to sftp server with hostkey
open sftp://sftpuser:P@[email protected] -hostkey="ssh-ed25519 256 zl3rDcRp/3ekABilaWRgzrELzm5dwOluW15VtrytPMc="
# set file transfer mode to ascii or binary
# change directory
cd SftpRoot\MyFiles
# transmit files from local machine to sftp server
put C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit\file1.txt
#close connection
#exit winscp

Run the Job again and this is what we expect to see in the Start Jobs and Log File Viewer windows.

Successful SQL Agent Job Output
Successful SQL Agent Job Log

Add some usefulness

We have our basic steps down so let's make this a little more useful.

There are nine files named C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit name file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt, file4.txt, file5.txt, file6.txt, file7.txt, file8.txt, and file9.txt and we want to transfer all nine of them to the SFTP server. This is as simple as changing the '1' in the file name file1.txt to a single character '?' wildcard so it's now file?.txt.

# open connection to sftp server with hostkey
open sftp://sftpuser:P@[email protected] -hostkey="ssh-ed25519 256 zl3rDcRp/3ekABilaWRgzrELzm5dwOluW15VtrytPMc="
# set file transfer mode to ascii or binary
# change directory
cd SftpRoot\MyFiles
# transmit files from local machine to sftp server
put C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit\file?.txt
#close connection
#exit winscp

And we can see in the log where all nine files were transmitted.

All Files Transferred

It could be very useful when troubleshooting a problem to have a local log file. This is easily accomplished by adding a /log switch and managed by adding /loglevel and /logsize switches to the command line in sftptest.bat.

:: log to drive
:: change to working directory
cd \SftpTesting\SftpScripts
:: call SFTP client with input file and log to local directory
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script="sftptest.txt" /log="SftpTest.log" /loglevel=-1 /logsize=5*100K

/script ="sftptest.txt" - creates a log file called sftptest.log in the local working directory

/loglevel=-1 - reduced logging -1, 0, 1, 2 for Reduced, Normal, Debug1 and Debug2 logging levels respectively

/logsize= - 5*100K – limits number of rollover logs to 5 and limits log file size to 100KB (can be specified with K(iloByte), M(egaByte), G(igaByte))

Useful Functionality in WinSCP

Now that stepped through manually creating an automated SFTP file transfer let's look at some very useful functionality in WinSCP. Run WinSCP.exe to open the GUI client.

  1. Select SFTP in File Protocol dropdown
  2. Enter Host name
  3. Port number
  4. Enter User name
  5. Enter Password
  6. Click Login
WinSCP Login Screen
  1. Navigate to destination directory
  2. Highlight files(s) to transfer
  3. Drag file to destination
WinSCP File Transfer

The Upload box opens

  1. Expand Transfer settings… dropdown
  2. Choose Generate Code…
WinSCP Generate Code

And the Generate transfer code window opens.

We can now choose an option:

  1. Script
  2. Choose Script file, Batch file, Command-line or PowerShell script
WinSCP Code

Or under the .NET assembly code tab we have C#, VB.NET or PowerShell.

WinSCP Code

To demonstrate, we'll choose

  1. Script
  2. Batch file
  3. Copy to Clipboard
WinSCP Code

Paste Clipboard into text editor of choice. Change the working directory and log file name and directory to match our previous example as shown by comments.

@echo off
:: set working drive and directory
cd \SftpTesting\SftpScripts
:: change log file name and location
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" ^
  /log="SftpTest.log" /ini=nul ^
  /command ^
    "open sftp://sftpuser:P@[email protected]/ -hostkey=""ssh-ed25519 256 zl3rDcRp/3ekABilaWRgzrELzm5dwOluW15VtrytPMc=""" ^
    "lcd C:\SftpTesting\SftpFilesToTransmit" ^
    "cd /C:/Users/sftpuser/SftpRoot/MyFiles" ^
    "put *" ^
if %WINSCP_RESULT% equ 0 (
  echo Success
) else (
  echo Error

We can get rid of our old log files and execute the batch file:

Run New Batch File
Next Steps

Following is further information on SFTP, WinSCP, and SQL Agent:

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Joe Gavin Joe Gavin is from the Greater Boston area. He started working with SQL Server and Sybase in 1998 in the financial services industry and has been a SQL Server Database Administrator for a dairy cooperative since 2011. He graduated from Northeastern University in Boston with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET) degree in Computer Technology. Joe has spoken at the Boston and Providence SQL Saturday events.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

View all my tips

Article Last Updated: 2020-01-16

Comments For This Article

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 3:02:52 AM - ddd Back To Top (88883)
It really helpful suggestion shared above. I follow others suggestion also but it will not working as expected . But from above suggestion I tried and successfully automated my task . Thank you very much

Sunday, March 14, 2021 - 9:22:34 AM - Ephraim Back To Top (88392)
Very very helpfull

From south Africa

Thursday, February 25, 2021 - 4:29:04 PM - Rodrigo Bisterço Back To Top (88301)
Very Helpful !! Thank you !

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 2:37:20 PM - Joe Gavin Back To Top (83807)

Thanks for the comment Scott. I impleneted this on 1 machine and didn't think of that.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 2:33:59 PM - Joe Gavin Back To Top (83806)

Thank you Edul.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 2:33:17 PM - Joe Gavin Back To Top (83805)

Thanks for your insight Adrian.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 9:01:14 AM - Adrian Hernandez Back To Top (83803)

Excellent tutorial. Thanks for sharing. I may add that WinSCP, by default uses the Auto switch, this supposedly sets text or binary automatically. I have experienced issues that sometimes it fails to set binary and the resulting file is unreadable by the target users. To overcome this, if sending files via script always specify text or binary.

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 8:55:55 AM - Edul Chikhliwala Back To Top (83802)

Dear Sir:

Thank you for this very useful article. Very clearly written and will be of great use in my day-to-day work.

Please keep up the good work!


Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 8:15:09 AM - Scott Stanek Back To Top (83801)

Could have used this about six months ago, SFTP situation where I am getting files. Still nice to know that someone else embraces the WinSCP method I did. I will add that you will need to install the same WinSCP version used on your development server as your production server and jump through whatever hoops are needed to get that in place first. In fact, I suggest making the batch file manual version work on both environments BEFORE going to the effort to code the rest.

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