By: Pablo Echeverria | Updated: 2022-10-25 | Comments | Related: > Tools
It's a common task for database administrators to install software that ships with the database and interacts directly with it. One is the software used to perform Extract Transform Load (ETL). How are they installed in SQL Server and Oracle for Windows, and what are the differences when installing them?
In SQL Server, the ETL tool is named SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS); in Oracle, the ETL tool is named Oracle Data Integrator (ODI). This tip will show how to install them from the command line and log in for the first time to the tool. Note: In Oracle, it is recommended to separate the application server from the database server; however, in this example, they will be co-installed for simplicity. In SQL Server, it's not possible to install the database separately.
Most of the information in this tip is based on this article from Tim Hall. However, it has been adapted to a Windows environment and complemented to make it fully silent; it can also be used to perform a full silent installation in Linux. The steps to perform the installation are below.
Step 1
Download the required software from the links below and save them in your host C:\temp folder, which is shared with the container. Note: Since the only Web Logic Server downloadable is version, you must download the same version for ODI, as it doesn't allow you to install a higher version. Also, the installers only work in Java 8, not in any other version.
- Web Logic Server: (1.45GB)
- Oracle Data Integrator 12cR2 ( (1.76GB) and (352MB)
- Java SE Development Kit 8u341: jdk-8u341-windows-x64.exe (173MB)
Step 2
Create a new container as described in the links below. However, you must expose ports 7001, 8001, and 5556 when creating the docker container, as well as port 1521.
- Install SQL Server and Oracle using PowerShell and Windows Containers
- SQL Server vs Oracle Database Creation Similarities and Differences
docker run -it --name ServerA -v C:\temp:C:\setup -p 1521:1521 -p 7001:7001 -p 8001:8001 -p 5556:5556 powershell
Step 3
Install Java with the PowerShell command below. Note: /L specifies the log location so you can check when it has finished.
& C:\setup\jdk-8u341-windows-x64.exe INSTALL_SILENT=Enable INSTALLDIR=C:\java\jre /L C:\setup\jre.log
Step 4
Unzip and install the Web Logic Server with the PowerShell commands below. It will create the Java EE Application Server to run ODI. Note: The first parameter passed to Java is the memory allocation pool size of 1 GB.
Expand-Archive C:\setup\ C:\app -force
& C:\java\jre\bin\java -Xmx1024m -jar C:\app\fmw_12. -silent ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle INSTALL_TYPE="Fusion Middleware Infrastructure"
Step 5
Unzip and install ODI with the PowerShell commands below. Note: ODI requires a response file. We will create one with the minimum required variables, and everything else will be the default.
Expand-Archive C:\setup\ C:\app Expand-Archive C:\setup\ C:\app $content=@" ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle INSTALL_TYPE=Enterprise Installation "@ Clear-Content C:\app\odi.rsp Add-Content C:\app\odi.rsp $content & C:\java\jre\bin\java -jar C:\app\fmw_12. -silent -responseFile C:\app\odi.rsp
Step 6
Create a database listener to allow remote connections and start it with the PowerShell commands below.
$content=@" SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION = FALSE SECURE_PROTOCOL_LISTENER = (IPC) LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))) "@ Clear-Content C:\app\Oracle19c\network\admin\listener.ora Add-Content C:\app\Oracle19c\network\admin\listener.ora $content lsnrctl start
Step 7
Modify the database init configuration file and restart the database with the PowerShell commands below; this will allow automatic registration with the listener, set a higher memory reservation, and increase the default open cursors from 50 to 100 to avoid an error when creating the repository.
$content=@" db_name=ORCL local_listener='(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1))' java_pool_size=256M shared_pool_size=512M open_cursors=100 "@ Clear-Content C:\app\Oracle19c\database\INITORCL.ORA Add-Content C:\app\Oracle19c\database\INITORCL.ORA $content "shutdown immediate" | sqlplus / as sysdba "startup" | sqlplus / as sysdba
Step 8
Create a database password file replacing the password with your own to allow connecting remotely using the SYS user as SYSDBA.
orapwd FILE=C:\app\Oracle19c\database\PWDORCL.ora ENTRIES=1 PASSWORD=YourSYSPassword
You can test connecting from your host computer to the container as follows replacing the password with your own and the host with the container hostname:
& "C:\Program Files\instantclient_19_14\sqlplus.exe" SYS/YourSYSPassword@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=483e369a307b)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=ORCL)))' AS SYSDBA
Step 9
Create the ODI repository with the PowerShell commands below.
The first value is the SYS password which must contain a number, a special character, and not the username. The second value is the password to be assigned to all ODI database users: ODI_REPO, IAU, IAU_APPEND, IAU_VIEWER, OPSS, and STB. The third value is the password to be assigned to the SUPERVISOR user in ODI (not in the database). The fourth value is D for Development or E for Execution of the work repository. The fifth value is the name of the work repository. The sixth value is the password of the work repository. The seventh parameter is the encryption algorithm.
Then we set three environment variables to select the log location, log name (not to include the timestamp), and log level. When the repository creation utility (RCU) program is called, the previous parameters are passed to it and note the connection string indicates the host, port, and database name. We also pass the database username, the database user role, the prefix to be used will be "ODIDEV", and then the list of components to install.
$params=@" YourSYSPassword OdiSchemaPassword SupervisePwd D WORKREP WorkRepoPw AES-128 "@ $env:RCU_LOG_LOCATION="C:\app\oracle" $env:RCU_TIMESTAMP_LOG_DIR="false" $env:RCU_LOG_LEVEL="TRACE" $params | & C:\app\oracle\oracle_common\bin\rcu.bat -silent -createRepository -connectString localhost:1521:ORCL -dbUser SYS -dbRole SYSDBA -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix ODIDEV -component ODI -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS
Once complete, you will note the following users in the database:
And the following data files:
Step 10
Configure the ODI domain with the PowerShell commands below.
Note: In line 6 is the Web Logic password to be used when starting the services, which must be at least eight alphanumeric characters with at least one number or special character. Replace it with your own.
In line 12 is the connection string. It must contain the server name, port, and database name. Line 13 is the db_user. It is the schema prefix, "ODIDEV", defined earlier, and the username "STB". Line 14 is the password defined earlier for all database user schemas. Line 18 is the supervisor password defined earlier.
$content=@" #!/usr/bin/python print('Set variables.') host_name = '$env:computername' admin_user = 'weblogic' admin_password = '<YourWebLogicPassword>' admin_port = '7001' mw_home = 'C:\\app\\oracle' domain_name = 'odiDomain' domain_home = mw_home + '\\user_projects\\domains\\' + domain_name + '' wl_home = mw_home + '\\wlserver' db_url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCL' db_user = 'ODIDEV_STB' db_password = 'OdiSchemaPassword' db_driver = 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver' odi_port = '8001' supervisor_user = 'SUPERVISOR' supervisor_password = 'SupervisorPassword' nm_name = 'LocalODIMachine' nm_port = 5556 print('Create domain (' + domain_name + ').') print('Load templates.') selectTemplate('Basic WebLogic Server Domain') selectTemplate('Oracle Enterprise Manager Plugin for ODI') selectTemplate('Oracle Data Integrator - Agent') selectTemplate('Oracle Data Integrator - Console') selectTemplate('Oracle Data Integrator - JRF Async Web Services') loadTemplates() print('AdminServer settings.') cd('/Security/base_domain/User/' + admin_user) cmo.setPassword(admin_password) cd('/Server/AdminServer') cmo.setName('AdminServer') cmo.setListenPort(int(admin_port)) cmo.setListenAddress(host_name) print('Create supervisor credential.') cd('/SecurityConfiguration/base_domain') cmo.setUseKSSForDemo(false) cd('/Credential/TargetStore/oracle.odi.credmap/TargetKey/SUPERVISOR') create('c','Credential') cd('Credential') cmo.setUsername(supervisor_user) cmo.setPassword(supervisor_password) print('Create data source.') cd('/JDBCSystemResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource/JdbcResource/LocalSvcTblDataSource/JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') cmo.setPasswordEncrypted(db_password) cmo.setUrl(db_url) cmo.setDriverName(db_driver) cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0/Property/user') cmo.setValue(db_user) print('Create node manager.') cd('/') machine = create(nm_name, 'Machine') cd('Machines/' + nm_name) create(nm_name, 'NodeManager') cd('NodeManager/' + nm_name) set('ListenAddress', host_name) set('ListenPort', int(nm_port)) print('Associate Node Manager with servers.') cd('/Servers/AdminServer') cmo.setMachine(machine) cd('/Servers/ODI_server1') cmo.setMachine(machine) print('ODI_server1 settings') cd('/Servers/ODI_server1') cmo.setListenAddress(host_name) cmo.setListenPort(int(odi_port)) getDatabaseDefaults() print('Run in production mode.') setOption('ServerStartMode','prod') print('Write the domain and close the template.') setOption('OverwriteDomain', 'true') writeDomain(domain_home) closeTemplate() exit() "@ Clear-Content C:\app\ Add-Content C:\app\ $content & C:\app\oracle\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd C:\app\
Step 11
Configure ODI agent with the PowerShell commands below. Specify the weblogic password, ODIDEV_STB password, database connection string, and supervisor password again.
$content=@" #!/usr/bin/python host_name = '$env:computername' mw_home="C:/app/oracle"; # Middleware Home of your environment odi_oracle_home= mw_home + "/odi"; # odi folder location under middleware home wls_domain_dir=mw_home+"/user_projects/domains"; # WLS domain directory. Update as appropriate wls_domain_name="odiAgent"; # Domain name for the ODI Agent wls_user="weblogic"; # Weblogic admin user name wls_pass="<YourWeblogicPassword>"; # Weblogic admin user's password service_db_user="ODIDEV_STB"; # The STB schema username created through RCU. Ends with _STB, ODI Master and Work repository and Opss database connections are fetched from this schema service_db_pass="OdiSchemaPassword"; # STB users password service_db_url='jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCL'; # JDBC URL to the STB database service_db_driver='oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'; # JDBC driver to be used for the STB Database connection odi_supervisor='SUPERVISOR'; # ODI supervisor user odi_supervisor_pass='SupervisorPassword'; # ODI Supervisor user's password odi_instance='OracleDIAgent'; # ODI agent name for the agent odi_listen_address = 'localhost'; # Listen Address odi_port = "8001"; # ODI Port odi_protocol = "http"; # ODI Protocol agent_machine="LocalODIMachine"; # Agent Machine Name from template odi_work_repository_name='WORKREP'; # Work repository name master_db_datasource = "odiMasterRepository"; # Master Repository datasource name work_db_datasource = "odiWorkRepository"; # Work Repository datasource name if not os.path.isdir(mw_home): sys.exit("Error: fusion middleware home directory '" + mw_home + "' does not exist.") wls_domain_creation_template_path = mw_home+"/wlserver/common/templates/wls/wls.jar" domain_path = wls_domain_dir + '/' + wls_domain_name odi_cam_template_jar = '/common/templates/wls/odi_cam_managed_template.jar' #reads the template jar for domain creation readTemplate(wls_domain_creation_template_path, 'Compact') print 'Creating WLS user' cd(r'/Security/base_domain/User/'+wls_user) cmo.setPassword(wls_pass) cd(r'/Server/AdminServer') cmo.setName('AdminServer') cd(r'/SecurityConfiguration/base_domain/') cmo.setNodeManagerUsername(wls_user); cmo.setNodeManagerPasswordEncrypted(wls_pass); print 'Done' addTemplate(odi_oracle_home + odi_cam_template_jar) cd('/SecurityConfiguration/base_domain') # domain is base_domain until saved as otherwise cmo.setUseKSSForDemo(false) print 'Creating data source' print 'Setting JDBCSystemResource with name '+'LocalSvcTblDataSource' cd('/'); existing=true; try: cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+'LocalSvcTblDataSource'+'/JdbcResource/'+'LocalSvcTblDataSource') except : existing=false; if ( not(existing) ) : create('LocalSvcTblDataSource', 'JDBCSystemResource'); cd('/JDBCSystemResource/'+'LocalSvcTblDataSource'+'/JdbcResource/'+'LocalSvcTblDataSource') if ( not(existing) ) : create('NO_NAME_0', 'JDBCDriverParams') cd('JDBCDriverParams/NO_NAME_0') cmo.setPasswordEncrypted(service_db_pass) cmo.setUrl(service_db_url) cmo.setDriverName(service_db_driver) if ( not(existing) ) : create('NO_NAME_0', 'Properties') cd('Properties/NO_NAME_0'); if ( not(existing) ) : create('user', 'Property') cd('Property/user') cmo.setValue(service_db_user) print 'Done' print 'Creating ODI instance' cd('/'); existing=true; try: cd('/SystemComponent/'+odi_instance); except : existing=false; if( not(existing) ) : create(odi_instance, "SystemComponent"); cd('/SystemComponent/'+odi_instance); set('ComponentType', 'ODI'); set('Machine', agent_machine); cd('/SystemCompConfig/OdiConfig/OdiInstance/'+odi_instance); print '/SystemCompConfig/OdiConfig/OdiInstance/'+odi_instance set("ListenAddress", odi_listen_address); cmo.setListenPort(odi_port); set('SupervisorUsername', odi_supervisor); set('PasswordEncrypted', odi_supervisor_pass); set('PreferredDataSource', master_db_datasource); print 'Done' cd('/') cd('/Machine/'+agent_machine) create(agent_machine, 'NodeManager') cd('NodeManager/'+agent_machine) cmo.setListenAddress(host_name) cd('/') servers = cmo.getServers() for server in servers: sName = server.getName() cd('/Servers/' + sName) listenAddress = cmo.getListenAddress() if ( listenAddress == None or listenAddress == 'All Local Addresses') : cmo.setListenAddress(None) getDatabaseDefaults(); # service_db, master_db, work_db (and opss) definitions from service_db print "domain_path "+domain_path; writeDomain(domain_path) closeTemplate() print 'Done creating ODI Agent domain, Master repository, Supervisor user and Nodemanager' exit() "@ Clear-Content C:\app\ Add-Content C:\app\ $content & C:\app\oracle\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd C:\app\
Now that everything is set up, we can start the services with the PowerShell commands below. The last two will prompt you for a username and password, and you need to enter "weblogic" and its password. Run each of them in their own console. You can open new consoles with the command "docker exec -it ServerA powershell":
& C:\app\oracle\user_projects\domains\odiDomain\bin\startNodeManager.cmd & C:\app\oracle\user_projects\domains\odiDomain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd & C:\app\oracle\user_projects\domains\odiDomain\bin\startManagedWebLogic.cmd ODI_server1
And we can access the service URLs from the host machine outside of the container because the ports were exposed when creating the container:
In this console you can manage entities in the domain:
- Browse servers, clusters, deployments, applications, etc.
- Display information about entities
- Configuration
- Monitoring
- Logs
- Start and stop the server
On this page you can monitor and administer the collection of components:
This is the place where you can do the ETL work:
SQL Server
The only steps required to perform the installation are below. Remember to replace the SA password with your own, and note that it requires the database to be installed alongside:
& "c:\setup\setup.exe" /Q /Action=Install /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /IndicateProgress /Features=SQLEngine,Conn,IS /InstanceName=MSSQLSERVER /TcpEnabled=1 /SecurityMode=SQL /SaPwd=@Sq1T3st /SqlSysAdminAccounts="ContainerAdministrator"
If you want to create a scale-out group, you can specify installing the master and/or worker Integration Services. Once installed, with PowerShell you can enable CLR (thanks to Rob Sewell for this article):
# Enable "clr enabled" configuration option $srv = New-Object Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.SMO.Server . $config = $srv.Configuration $CLR = $srv.Configuration.IsSqlClrEnabled $CLR.ConfigValue = 1 $Config.Alter()
And with PowerShell, you can create the SSISDB, which is the catalog:
# Load the IntegrationServices Assembly [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices") # Store the IntegrationServices Assembly namespace to avoid typing it every time $ISNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices" Write-Host "Connecting to server ..." # Create a connection to the server $sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;" $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnectionString # Create the Integration Services object $integrationServices = New-Object $ISNamespace".IntegrationServices" $sqlConnection # Provision a new SSIS Catalog $catalog = New-Object $ISNamespace".Catalog" ($integrationServices, "SSISDB", "P@assword1") $catalog.Create()
Now with Visual Studio, you can create your Integration Services projects. Once ready for production, you can point your Visual Studio to the server and deploy them.
Additional Information
Here is the official documentation about the SSIDB database, which is the catalog for Integration Services: SSIS Catalog.
Install SQL Server Integration Services in Visual Studio 2019 describes the process of installing Visual Studio with the Integration Services extension.
This article, SSIS Catalog Deployment to Support Dev, QA and Production, describes deploying a project in multiple environments.
Lastly, this article describes the process to deploy and schedule a project: Deploy and Schedule an SQL Server Integration Services SSIS Package Step by Step.
Next Steps
Here are several articles about SQL Server Integration Services:
- What is SSIS?
- Installing SQL Server Integration Services
- SQL Server Integration Services SSIS 2016 Tutorial
- SQL Server Integration Services Development Tips
- SQL Server Integration Services Configuration Options Tips
- Install SQL Server Integration Services in Visual Studio 2019
- Connecting to Integration Services Access is Denied in SQL Server 2016 or 2017
- SQL Server Integration Services SSIS Versions and Tools
- What is an SSIS Package?
- SQL Server Management Studio Connection to Integration Services Error Class Not Registered
About the author
This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.
View all my tips
Article Last Updated: 2022-10-25