By: Joydip Kanjilal | Updated: 2024-01-18 | Comments (7) | Related: > Error Handling
Proper error handling is an integral part of any stable application. In SQL Server, you might encounter errors for several reasons, such as invalid data, inconsistencies in the data, and system issues. This article examines how to handle errors gracefully using stored procedures in SQL Server.
There are several ways to handle errors in SQL Server stored procedures, such as TRY/CATCH blocks, RAISERROR statements, and THROW statements. In this article, we'll discuss how you can handle errors in SQL Server stored procedures.
Error Handling in Stored Procedures in SQL Server
In SQL Server, you can take advantage of TRY…CATCH statements to handle errors. Before we examine how to handle exceptions in SQL Server stored procedures, let's quickly recap TRY…CATCH blocks and their syntax.
TRY…CATCH blocks are used in several programming languages to handle exceptions that can occur when your program is in execution. Statements that might throw an exception should be enclosed within the BEGIN TRY…END TRY blocks. Note: A TRY block should be before a CATCH block where you should write your error handling code.
Below is example code that illustrates this.
BEGIN TRY -- Write statements here that may cause exception END TRY BEGIN CATCH -- Write statements here to handle exception END CATCH
After the BEGIN TRY...END TRY block, you should have a BEGIN CATCH...END CATCH block. If any statements inside the TRY block throw an exception, the control will be transferred to the CATCH block. If the statements inside the TRY don't throw any exception, the statements inside the CATCH block will not be executed, and the control will be transferred to the next statement after the END CATCH block.
Nested TRY...CATCH Blocks
It should be noted that TRY...CATCH blocks can be nested as well. So, you can have one or more TRY...CATCH blocks inside the parent TRY...CATCH block, as shown in the code snippet below.
Create Proc Try_Catch_Demo As BEGIN TRY DECLARE @x int SELECT @x = 1/0 PRINT 'This statement will not be executed' END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'This is an error: ' + error_message() BEGIN TRY DECLARE @y int SELECT @y = 1/0 END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'This is another error: ' + error_message() END CATCH END CATCH
Retrieving Error Details
You can use the following functions inside the CATCH block to retrieve detailed information related to the exception:
You can learn more about these functions in an earlier article: Error Handling in SQL Server with Try Catch.
Working with TRY…CATCH blocks
Let us now examine how we can use TRY…CATCH blocks in real-life applications. Consider an order processing system with several database tables, such as Customer, Supplier, Product, Order, OrderDetail, etc.
Create a new database table named Product using the following script:
CREATE TABLE Product ( Id Int Primary Key Identity(1,1), Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, Description nvarchar(100) NOT NULL );
For brevity and simplicity, we will confine our discussion to the Product table here. Note the identity column in the Product table. We'll now attempt to insert a record into the Product table using a stored procedure.
To do this, create a stored procedure named InsertProduct with the following code:
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertProduct @Id INT, @Name NVARCHAR(50), @Description NVARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN BEGIN TRY Insert into Product (Id, Name, Description) Values (@Id, @Name, @Description); END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(1000); DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT; DECLARE @ErrorState INT; SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE(); RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState); END CATCH; END;
Now execute the stored procedure and pass values to each of its parameters as shown below:
exec InsertProduct 1, 'HP Laptop', 'HP i9 Laptop with 32 GB RAM and SSD'
Since you cannot insert any value in an identity column of a table explicitly, the insert statement will fail with the following message:
Storing Error Metadata in a Database Table
You can also log the error messages into a database table. The following code shows how to store the error metadata in a temporary table in SQL Server:
SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS [ErrorNumber], ERROR_SEVERITY() AS [ErrorSeverity], ERROR_STATE() AS [ErrorState], ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS [ErrorProcedure], ERROR_LINE() AS [ErrorLine], ERROR_MESSAGE() AS [ErrorMessage] INTO #ErrorLog;
You can now display the records of the ErrorLog database table using the following statement:
SELECT * FROM #ErrorLog;
Let us update the InsertProduct stored procedure to store error metadata in a database table. Here is the updated stored procedure InsertProduct we created earlier:
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertProduct @Id INT, @Name NVARCHAR(50), @Description NVARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN BEGIN TRY Insert into Product (Id, Name, Description) Values (@Id, @Name, @Description); END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(1000); DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT; DECLARE @ErrorState INT; SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS [ErrorNumber], ERROR_SEVERITY() AS [ErrorSeverity], ERROR_STATE() AS [ErrorState], ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS [ErrorProcedure], ERROR_LINE() AS [ErrorLine], ERROR_MESSAGE() AS [ErrorMessage] INTO #Error_Log; RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState); END CATCH; SELECT * FROM #Error_Log; END;
When you execute the stored procedure with the same parameters again, a temporary table named Error_Log will be created, and the error metadata will be stored there. Note the SELECT statement at the end of the stored procedure to retrieve the records of this temporary table. The image below shows the output upon execution of the InsertProduct stored procedure.
Using a Custom Database Table for Storing Error Metadata
You can also create a database table for storing error metadata per your requirements. The script below can be used to create a database table named ErrorLog for storing error metadata.
CREATE TABLE ErrorLog (ErrorId INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ErrorNumber INT, ErrorState INT, ErrorLine INT, ErrorSeverity INT, ErrorProcedure VARCHAR(MAX), ErrorMessage VARCHAR(MAX), ErrorDateTime DATETIME)
The following script is a modified version of the InsertProduct stored procedure we created earlier to insert error metadata into a custom database table:
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertProduct @Id INT, @Name NVARCHAR(50), @Description NVARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN BEGIN TRY Insert into Product (Id, Name, Description) Values (@Id, @Name, @Description); END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @ErrorNumber INT; DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT; DECLARE @ErrorState INT; DECLARE @ErrorLine INT; DECLARE @ErrorProcedure NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @ErrorDateTime DateTime; SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE(), @ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE(), @ErrorProcedure = ERROR_PROCEDURE(), @ErrorDateTime = GETDATE(); Insert into ErrorLog (ErrorNumber, ErrorState, ErrorSeverity, ErrorLine, ErrorProcedure, ErrorMessage, ErrorDateTime) Values (@ErrorNumber, @ErrorState, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorLine, @ErrorProcedure, @ErrorMessage, @ErrorDateTime) RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState); END CATCH; SELECT * FROM ErrorLog; END;
When you execute the updated version of the stored procedure InsertProduct, a record containing error metadata will be inserted into the ErrorLog database table, as seen in the image below.
Identifying, comprehending, and resolving issues is easier when the errors are logged and reported. By handling errors efficiently in your application, you can prevent data loss and application crashes, safeguard data integrity, and enhance the user experience. The built-in error-handling mechanism in SQL Server can help make your application reliable and fault-tolerant.
Next Steps
SQL Server provides built-in support for handling exceptions gracefully. You can use TRY...CATCH blocks when working with transactions, triggers, etc. I'll discuss more on exception handling in SQL Server in future articles.
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Article Last Updated: 2024-01-18