Automated PDF Document Summarization with Azure OpenAI

By:   |   Updated: 2024-07-26   |   Comments   |   Related: More > Artificial Intelligence


Long PDF documents of 20, 30, or more pages can be time-consuming to read, examine, or extract important points. The latest large language models (LLM) support summarization from their chat interface. However, longer documents must be fed into the model in chunks due to token limit constraints. Additionally, the summary may take several minutes to generate. How do you design a document summarization pipeline customized for such documents?


Using the Azure OpenAI API and a custom Python class, we can design a custom summarization pipeline that takes a PDF file and produces a summary of it. We can trigger the pipeline from an upstream data process or use it as a standalone piece of software.

Project Namespace

Let us begin by creating a project namespace and the required files. In the root project folder, create:

Subfolder cfg with two files:

  • .env: contains environment variables:
.env file
  • contains a class that will read from the environment variables file:
01: import os
02: from attrs import define, field
03: from dotenv import load_dotenv
05: load_dotenv()
07: @define
08: class AzureOpenAIConfig:                  
09:     SUMMARIZER_DEPLOYMENT_NAME: str = field(default=os.getenv('SUMMARIZER_DEPLOYMENT_NAME')) # summarizer'
10:     MODEL_NAME: str = field(default=os.getenv('MODEL_NAME')) # 'gpt-4-32k'
11:     TEMPERATURE: float = field(default=os.getenv('TEMPERATURE')) # 0.3
12:     AOAI_ENDPOINT: str = field(default=os.getenv('AOAI_ENDPOINT')) 
13:     AOAI_API_KEY: str = field(default=os.getenv('AOAI_API_KEY')) 
14:     AOAI_API_V: str = field(default=os.getenv('AOAI_API_V'))
15:     MODEL_MAX_TOKENS: int = field(default=os.getenv('MODEL_MAX_TOKENS'))
config class
  • file from where we will invoke our pipeline.
  • file contains the core summarization logic.
  • Do not forget the requirements.txt file. Copy and paste the following lines into it:

Next, create the virtual environment. Hit Ctrl+Shift+P, select Python: Create environment, select venv, then your global Python interpreter. Check the requirements file for installing the required packages:

requirements file

Wait until the VS code has been created and selected your environment.

Summarization Pipeline

Let us now focus on the core logic for solving the problem. Open the file and paste the following code:

001: import logging
002: from io import BytesIO
003: from time import monotonic
004: import pdfplumber
005: import textwrap
006: import tiktoken as t
007: from langchain.chains.summarize import load_summarize_chain
008: from langchain.docstore.document import Document
009: from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
010: from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
011: from langchain_openai import AzureChatOpenAI
013: class SummaryGenerator:
015:     def __init__(self, aoai_deployment: str, aoai_model_name: str, model_temp: float,
016:                  aoai_endpoint: str, aoai_api_key: str, aoai_api_v: str, max_tokens: int):
017:         self.llm = AzureChatOpenAI(deployment_name=aoai_deployment,
018:                                     model_name=aoai_model_name, 
019:                                     temperature=model_temp,
020:                                     azure_endpoint=aoai_endpoint,
021:                                     api_key=aoai_api_key,
022:                                     api_version=aoai_api_v)  
023:         self.max_tokens = max_tokens
024:         self.chunk_size_tokens = max_tokens // 4 
025:         self.chunk_overlap_size_tokens = int(0.1 * self.chunk_size_tokens)
026:         self.prompt_template = """Write a comprehensive bullet point summary of the following.
027:         {text}
031:     @staticmethod
032:     def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf: BytesIO) -> str:
033:         """Extracts plain text from df file. 
034:         Args: pdf_path (string): path to the file. 
035:         Returns: string: single plain string containing the text.
036:         """
037:         try: 
038:             with as pdf:
039:                 text = ''
040:                 for page in pdf.pages:
041:                     text += page.extract_text() or ''
042:                     table = page.extract_table(table_settings={'min_words_horizontal': 16,
043:                                                             'horizontal_strategy': 'text'})
044:                     if table:
045:                         text += '\n'.join(
046:                             ' '.join(cell for cell in row if cell)
047:                             for row in table if row
048:                         )
049:             return text.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore').decode('utf-8')
050:         except Exception as e:
051:             logging.error(f'Error extracting text from PDF: {e}')
052:             return False
054:     def extract_summary_from_text(self,
055:                                   parsed_text_from_pdf: str) -> textwrap.TextWrapper:
056:         """Generates a bullet point summary from the extracted text."""
057:         encoding = t.get_encoding('cl100k_base')  
058:         num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(parsed_text_from_pdf))
060:         prompt = PromptTemplate(template=self.prompt_template,
061:                                             input_variables=['text'])
063:         if num_tokens < self.max_tokens:
064:             chain = load_summarize_chain(self.llm,
065:                                         chain_type="stuff",
066:                                         prompt=prompt,
067:                                         verbose=False) 
069:         else:
070:             chain = load_summarize_chain(self.llm,
071:                                         chain_type="map_reduce",
072:                                         map_prompt=prompt,
073:                                         combine_prompt=prompt,
074:                                         verbose=False) 
075:             self.chunk_size_tokens*=2
076:             self.chunk_overlap_size_tokens*=2 
078:         try:
079:             text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder(model_name='gpt-4',
080:                                                                                 chunk_size=self.chunk_size_tokens,  
081:                                                                                 chunk_overlap=self.chunk_overlap_size_tokens)
082:             texts = text_splitter.split_text(parsed_text_from_pdf)
083:             docs = [Document(page_content=t) for t in texts]
085:             extra = {'custom_dimensions': {'chunks': len(docs), 'tokens': num_tokens}}
086:   "Successfuly split text. Length: {extra['custom_dimensions']['chunks']} chunks; {extra['custom_dimensions']['tokens']} tokens.",
087:                           extra=extra)
088:             start_time = monotonic()
089:             output_summary = chain.invoke(docs)
090:   'Summary extracted successuflly. Run time {int(monotonic() - start_time)}s.')
091:         except Exception as e:
092:             logging.error(f'Failed to extract summary.')
093:             return False
095:         wrapped_text = textwrap.fill(output_summary['output_text'], 
096:                                     width=100,
097:                                     break_long_words=False,
098:                                     replace_whitespace=False)
100:         return wrapped_text 
summarization pipeline module
summarization pipeline module

Let us break it down:

  • 01 – 11: Import the required external modules.
  • 13: Declare a new class SummaryGenerator.
  • 15 – 29: Define an initialize method. To initialize an instance of the class, we need to pass the listed variables. Their values will later come from an instance of the AzureOpenAIConfig class.
  • 17 – 22: Make an instance of Open AI LLM using the variables mentioned earlier.
  • 23 – 29: The hyperparameters for document summarization:
    • 23: Maximum number of tokens. This value will define the threshold beyond which we must split the documents into chunks.
    • 24: Chunk size in tokens. This value defines how big the individual chunks are. Set to depend on the max token value.
    • 25: Chunk overlap size in tokens. This value defines the overlap between the adjacent chunks. Set to depend on the chunk size.
    • 26 – 29: Prompt template. Instructs the LLM on how we want the summary to be extracted.
  • 31 – 52: Declare a static method (one that does not require an instance of its parent class). This method takes care of one task: extracting text from a PDF file using the pdfplumber library. There are other libraries out there (e.g., PyPDF), but I have found this one to be dependable and straightforward to work with. Essentially:
    • 38: Open a new context manager using the binary representation of the PDF file.
    • 40: For every parsed page, add the page to a string variable.
    • 42 – 44: In case pdfplumber finds a table on a page, extract the table, but only if it has 16 words across horizontal rows, thus ensuring we skip tiny reference tables with low information value.
    • 45: Then append the content of the table to the text of the current page.
    • 49: Finally, return the text as utf-8 decoded string.
  • 54: Declare an instance method (one that requires an instance of its parent class). This method takes care of defining and running the summarization pipeline using the previously parsed text as input.
    • 57 and 58: Using the GPT models encoder, we can find out how long our text is in tokens.
    • 60: Define an instance of PromptTemplate to be used as instruction for the model.
    • 63 – 67: If the document is shorter than the token threshold, use the stuff chain type. This type of chain feeds the whole document to the LLM in a single round or API call.
    • 69 – 76: If the document is beyond the token threshold, we will use a map_reduce chain type. This type of chain feeds document chunks one by one to the model. In such a case, we also increase the chunk size and overlap so we get longer chunks. How you do this will affect the quality of the summary. Therefore, I consider the chunk size to be a hyperparameter with values that depend on the type of target documents.
    • 78 – 93: Run the summarization pipeline:
      • 79 – 82: Instantiate a Langchain RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter, which needs to know the type of model used (gpt-4) and the criteria for splitting the input (chunk size and overlap).
      • 82 and 83: After splitting the text, we append every chunk of type Document to a list.
      • 85 – 90: Using the logging package, we can log some useful info, such as how many chunks we got, what was the length of the document, and the time it took to generate the summary.
  • 91: Throw an exception in case the pipeline fails.
  • 95: Return the output as wrapped text, a shorthand for "\n".join(wrap(text, ...)).
  • 100: Return the text.

Implementing the Pipeline

Open the empty file and paste the following code:

01: from summarization_pipeline import SummaryGenerator
02: from cfg.config import AzureOpenAIConfig
03: from io import BytesIO
04: import os 
06: aoai_cfg = AzureOpenAIConfig()
08: sm = SummaryGenerator(aoai_cfg.SUMMARIZER_DEPLOYMENT_NAME,
08:                         aoai_cfg.MODEL_NAME,
10:                         aoai_cfg.TEMPERATURE,
11:                         aoai_cfg.AOAI_ENDPOINT,
12:                         aoai_cfg.AOAI_API_KEY,
13:                         aoai_cfg.AOAI_API_V,
14:                         int(aoai_cfg.MODEL_MAX_TOKENS))
16: path_to_file = r'..\..\data\SQL_Server_Mission_Critical_Performance_TDM_White_Paper.pdf'
17: file_name = os.path.basename(path_to_file)
19: with open(path_to_file, "rb") as fh:
20:     data = BytesIO(
21:     text = SummaryGenerator.extract_text_from_pdf(data) 
22:     extracted_summary = sm.extract_summary_from_text(text)
24:     with open(rf'..\..\data\{file_name}', 'w') as f:
25:         f.write(extracted_summary)
26:     print(extracted_summary)
implementing the pipeline

Here is what is happening here:

  • 01 – 04: Import the custom SummaryGenerator class, the config class, and other required modules.
  • 06: Make an instance of the config class so we can use its member-attributes.
  • 08 – 15: Make an instance of the SummaryGenerator class.
  • 16: Reference a target file for summarization from a subfolder in the project namespace.
  • 19: Open a context manager for the target file in binary mode.
  • 20: Read the file into a BytesIO object.
  • 21: Extract text content from the file.
  • 22: Extract the summary from the file.
  • 24 – 26: Finally, save the summary to a TXT file and print it in the console.

Testing the Pipeline

I have the file SQL_Server_Mission_Critical_Performance_TDM_White_Paper.pdf. If you google for it, you will find it in one of Microsoft's download sections. Let us use it as a source file for our pipeline:

  • The program split the source text into four chunks of 11 662 tokens in total length. Here is the output after the pipeline needed 19 seconds to summarize the text:
generated summary output in the console
  • Additionally, the program saved the output in the data directory:
summary saved to a txt file


Using the most up-to-date technologies, GPT-4 and Python Langchain, we designed a document summarization pipeline capable of summarizing long PDF documents. The code presented here can be used in chatbots, line of business applications, or automated with an Azure function.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Hristo Hristov Hristo Hristov is a Data Scientist and Power Platform engineer with more than 12 years of experience. Between 2009 and 2016 he was a web engineering consultant working on projects for local and international clients. Since 2017, he has been working for Atlas Copco Airpower in Flanders, Belgium where he has tackled successfully multiple end-to-end digital transformation challenges. His focus is delivering advanced solutions in the analytics domain with predominantly Azure cloud technologies and Python. Hristo's real passion is predictive analytics and statistical analysis. He holds a masters degree in Data Science and multiple Microsoft certifications covering SQL Server, Power BI, Azure Data Factory and related technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Article Last Updated: 2024-07-26

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