SSIS Most Overlooked Features - Fuzzy Lookup, Fuzzy Grouping, Data Profiling and DQS Cleansing

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SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a technology built to meet complex data integration and transformation tasks. Nonetheless, in its vast range of components, there are features that may have slipped the attention of users that can improve workflow and ETL performance. This tip considers these hidden treasures, showing their ability to address many common problems, simplify work processes, and enhance data management.


A typical scenario many organizations experience is bringing in customer data from different sources to a centralized database and then using it for analysis and reporting. For starters, most of the data in these sources are from CRM systems, sales platforms, and customer feedback forms, each having its individual data format and quality dynamics. The challenges in this scenario include:

  • Data Variability: Variations in customer data that contain names, addresses, and contact information often have slight differences across sources, resulting in duplications and inconsistencies.
  • Data Quality Issues: Input data errors such as incomplete reporting vessels, outdated information, and missing records can be frequent and reduce the credibility of the consolidated data.
  • Inefficient Processing: If changes or deltas cannot be captured and the entire data set needs to be processed, this can be a time-consuming and resource intensive process when only a small percentage of data changes.

These issues will result in poor data integration and uncertain data quality (duplicate data and dirty data removal) leading to poor decision making by the organization.

Before turning to specific features, let us explain why SSIS is a fully-fledged answer to the problem.

SSIS incorporates powerful data integration and transformation features meant to eliminate unnecessary human intervention/interaction when performing such tasks as cleaning and consolidating data. Businesses can considerably cut manual data cleansing workloads by employing Fuzzy Lookup and DQS Cleansing Transformation components of SSIS. Data quality will be improved, and consistency of different data sources will be maintained with this approach. The functions of these features work with the latest algorithms and master data knowledge bases to detect and fix inconsistencies in data. Therefore, automated matching and cleansing of data records can be achieved. This practice, apart from streamlining data integration workflows, also assures the accuracy of the data for processing and analysis.

Fuzzy Lookup and Fuzzy Grouping

These SSIS transformations are extremely useful in overcoming data quality problems, particularly when data from different sources are to be integrated, and the sources are inconsistent. Matching similar records is possible with the help of Fuzzy Lookup and Fuzzy Grouping, greatly reducing manual data cleansing activities.

Fuzzy Lookup Transformation

This feature performs data processing by comparing Data Flow input to a specific SQL Server table and finding matches through column similarities. Unlike the typical Lookup Transformation, Fuzzy Lookup can be flexible in the matching criteria, paving the way for it to determine the level of similarity between the data points. Users can set the transformation in such a way that either one or a few matching potential results are delivered, considering various degrees of data similarity.

Fuzzy Grouping Transformation

Fuzzy Grouping exclusively searches for possible duplicates within the data only. It performs filtering of duplicated rows by using user-defined similarity parameters and examines specified columns instead of parsing the whole data source. This strategy enables us to identify and allocate similar records, which helps identify and consolidate duplicate data entries.

  Fuzzy Lookup Transformation Fuzzy Grouping Transformation
Pros Matches data with small discrepancies. Identifies and groups possible duplicate records in a dataset.
Flexible column mapping for checking data similarity. Customizable similarity settings that can be adjusted to suit exact requirements of the duplicate detection.
Returns multiple possible matches, and hence, data matching is improved. Increase data quality by forming duplicates into one.
Useful for integration from different sources with diverse data quality. Helps to keep the datasets cleaner and more intact for analysis.
Cons Processing of large datasets may deteriorate as the complexity of similarity matching increases. Can be a problem for very large datasets.
Can sometimes return multiple matches, which require additional logic to handle ambiguities. Depends on selecting duplicate columns and doesn't guarantee that all duplicates will be caught if not configured correctly. Grouped duplicates handling would probably be an additional processing step.

To learn more, check out this article: Fuzzy Transformation and Fuzzy Grouping in SQL Server Integration Services.

Data Profiling Task

The Data Profiling Task in SSIS is a very useful tool that enables the user to analyze the quality of data before integrating, migrating, or transforming data in these types of projects. This task empowers data engineers and professionals to utilize their data more effectively, detect and address issues in the data management process, and make better decisions about handling these issues. The section below discusses the skills and advantages of the Data Profiling Task.


  • Column Value Distribution Profile: This process shows the distribution of values within a column by finding patterns, outliers, or suspicious values. It is very useful for discovering data skewness and values that are not part of the expected distribution.
  • Column Null Ratio Profile: By identifying the number of empty or missing values in each column, this data profile can determine the completeness of data and show the quality or reliability of data sources.
  • Column Length Distribution Profile: This profile concentrates on the string value lengths for a column, which is critical for data format checking and consistency among data sets.
  • Column Pattern Profile: The software searches for text patterns in string columns, like the similarity between email addresses or phone numbers, which is useful for finding data that does not conform to the prescribed patterns.
  • Candidate Key Profile: This feature helps identify the columns or groups of columns that may act as keys by determining their uniqueness, which is required in database normalization and data integrity.
  • Functional Dependency Profile: By analyzing relationships, we can discover the implicit dependencies within the data, helping in data structure and constraint understanding.


Profiling larger datasets using the Data Profiling Task of SSIS is resource-intensive and affects performance. A trade-off is needed between the thoroughness of the profiling and the limitations of the system resources and project schedules. Moreover, when the data being profiled includes personal or sensitive information, adherence to the data protection laws and implementing robust security protocols become crucial to maintaining compliance and protecting privacy. Moreover, the interpretation of data profiling outcomes calls for the proficiency of experienced data professionals who can turn the insights derived from the process into applicable and useful data quality measures, thus enabling the profiling initiatives to produce meaningful changes in data management practices.

Check out this article to learn more: Using the Data Profiling SQL Server Integration Services Task.

DQS Cleansing Transformation

The DQS Cleansing Transformation is an advanced functionality within SSIS that integrates with Microsoft's Data Quality Services (DQS) to provide automatic cleansing of data as it moves through the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Through this change, organizations can refine their data by standardizing, correcting, and merging records that are based on the knowledge that is stored in DQS. Here, we will deal with the working, advantages, and practical uses of the DQS Cleansing Transformation in depth.


The DQS Cleansing Transformation uses a knowledge base of DQS that can be customized and enhanced as time goes on to find inaccuracies and inconsistencies in data. It uses advanced algorithms to purify data according to the established rules and standards in the DQS knowledge base.

  • Standardization: Data consistency, like standardizing address formats or date formats.
  • Correction: Correction of misspellings or inaccuracies in names, addresses, and other fields.
  • De-duplication: Identifying and merging duplicate records for each entity to be presented only once.


Using the DQS Cleansing Transformation involves the initial configuration of the DQS knowledge base and the identification of the specific data quality problems to be handled. Also, although the transformation greatly boosts data quality, it is not a magical bullet; regular maintenance of the DQS knowledge base and continuous data quality monitoring are required to realize lasting benefits.

Check out this article to learn more: Getting started with the DQS cleansing component in SSIS.


In this article, we have focused on commonly overlooked features in SSIS, namely Fuzzy Lookup and Fuzzy Grouping, the Data Profiling Task, and the DQS Cleansing Transformation, emphasizing their major roles in enhancing data quality and simplifying integration processes.

The next article will cover the improvement of project deployment and management in SSIS with the aid of environment variables in the Project Deployment Model, better data flows that use the Balanced Data Distributor (BDD), and the refined monitoring and troubleshooting using Custom Logging Levels.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Amira Bedhiafi Amira Bedhiafi utilizes Azure Analysis Services to harness the power of scalable, cloud-based OLAP cubes for advanced data analysis and multidimensional modeling.

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Article Last Updated: 2024-07-22

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