By: Daniel Calbimonte
The UNICODE function returns the Unicode standard value of the character used in the function. Unicode is a standard for the encoding representation in the writing system. Basically, it is a universal way to represent characters from around the world.
- expression - this is the character used to get the UNICODE number.
Simple UNICODE Example
The following example will show the UNICODE of the character "υ".
SELECT UNICODE(N'υ') as code
Note that if several characters are used as input, the UNICODE function will only return the code of the first letter which is "a".
SELECT UNICODE(N'aei') as code
UNICODE with NULL values
UNICODE will return NULL if a NULL value is used.
Convert from UNICODE to NCHAR
The following example will convert the UNICODE to a character.
SELECT NCHAR(UNICODE('&')) as character
Getting UNICODE from a Table Column
The following example will show the UNICODE of the first letter of column AddressLine1.
SELECT UNICODE(AddressLine1) as msg FROM [Person].[Address]
Show the List of UNICODE Values of a String
The following example will create a function to return all the UNICODE values of a string separated by commas.
CREATE FUNCTION showUnicode( @string NVARCHAR(100)) returns varchar(500) AS BEGIN DECLARE @length smallint = LEN(@string) DECLARE @position smallint = 0 DECLARE @codes varchar(max) = '' WHILE @length >= @position BEGIN SELECT @codes = @codes + CONCAT(UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@string,@position,1)),',') SELECT @position = @position + 1 END SELECT @codes = SUBSTRING(@codes,2,LEN(@codes)-2) RETURN @codes END
Next, we will execute the function.
SELECT dbo.showUnicode('hello world') as codes
Here is how we can use this function to get the data from a table.
SELECT FirstName, dbo.showUnicode('FirstName') as codes FROM [Person].[Person]
Get List of All NCHAR Values and Integer Value
The following will get a list of the UNICODE values and the corresponding Unicode character.
DECLARE @counter INT = 0 CREATE TABLE #NCharValues ([nchar] nchar(1), [unicode] int) WHILE (@counter <= 144697) BEGIN BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO #NCharValues SELECT NCHAR(@counter), UNICODE(NCHAR(@counter)) SET @counter = @counter + 1 END TRY BEGIN CATCH; SET @counter = @counter + 1 IF @counter > 144697 BEGIN BREAK END END CATCH END SELECT [UNICODE], [nchar] FROM #NCharValues DROP TABLE #NCharValues
Here are a few rows from the query results.
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Last Update: 11/12/2021