SQL Server Performance Tuning and Monitoring Tutorial


SQL Server is a great platform to get your database application up and running fast.  The graphical interface of SQL Server Management Studio allows you to create tables, insert data, develop stored procedures, etc... in no time at all.  Initially your application runs great in your production, test and development environments, but as use of the application increases and the size of your database increases you may start to notice some performance degradation or worse yet, user complaints.

This is where performance monitoring and tuning come into play. Usually the first signs of performance issues surface from user complaints.  A screen that used to load immediately now takes several seconds.  Or a report that used to take a few minutes to run now takes an hour.  As I mentioned these issues usually arise from user complaints, but with a few steps and techniques you can monitor these issues and tune accordingly, so that your database applications are always running at peak performance.

In this tutorial we will cover some of the common issues with performance such as:

  • deadlocks
  • blocking
  • missing and unused indexes
  • I/O bottlenecks
  • poor query plans
  • statistics
  • wait stats
  • fragmentation

We will look at basic techinques all DBAs and Developers should be aware of to make sure their database applications are performing at peak performance.

Comments For This Article

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 - 3:43:50 PM - Greg Robidoux Back To Top (89003)
Hi Ryan,

We will see if can put something together, but in the meantime there are several on-demand webinars related to performance.

You can find the list here: https://www.mssqltips.com/sql-server-webcasts/


Wednesday, July 7, 2021 - 9:33:27 PM - Ryan Back To Top (88965)
Can you do a full 2 hrs on this topic.
Show & Tell.
We need to see how to check performance and fix any problem that show up, plus we need to see show to install SQL Server for best performance.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - 8:04:57 AM - Greg Robidoux Back To Top (69045)

Hi Anto,

you could definitely create an application that uses only one table, but the downside is that it makes it harder to add new functionality. If you have one to many relationships you need to keep adding new columns to the table which can get quite large.

So, if it is for a small application you can definitely do that, but what often happens is that things that were meant to be temporary fixes usually become log term use.

Not sure what SharePoint looks like.  It is possible there are only a few tables, but not sure.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 12:07:58 PM - anto rubin Back To Top (69011)


 What is wrong if I use one table  for a business application... I understand the table locking issue... But there are ways to get out of it while architecting... Before laughing... I heard that MS SharePoint is using single table to manage its content... 


Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 9:42:42 PM - Mazhr Back To Top (55021)


Hi there,




I am implementing Power BI service (reporting system ) in Professional year project,  We have 6 databases hosted on SQL Server on premise.


Step 1:   Plan is to connect all 6 databases to SSAS(On premise)


Step 2: Connect SSAS to Power BI Service.


I have following doubts, can you please help me.




1.      Can we connect all databases to SSAS? If yes, need any tools?


2.     Can SSAS Store data in tabular model?


3.     How to updated data in SSAS all the time?


4.     As there are 6 source databases can we connect in Direct querry? If yes, is ideal to do so?


5.      As SSAS on Premise, any challenges for configuration, data updated?





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