We received an email on the value of this tip and wanted to pass along the comments...
Here is a comment from Jerry L. on this tip:
set nocount off go drop procedure getDBRestoreDate go create procedure getDBRestoreDate @DatabaseName nvarchar(255) ,@DatabaseRestoreType varchar(4) -- Use 'Full','Inc','Log' to set what kind of restores to look at when getting the restore date as begin --drop table #restore_list
SELECT [rs].[destination_database_name], [rs].[restore_date], [bs].[backup_start_date], [bs].[backup_finish_date], [bs].[database_name] as [source_database_name], [bmf].[physical_device_name] as [backup_file_used_for_restore], case bs.type when 'D' then 'Full' when 'I' then 'Inc' when 'L' then 'Log' else 'Unk' end as [backup_type] into #restore_list FROM msdb..restorehistory rs INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON [rs].[backup_set_id] = [bs].[backup_set_id] INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bmf ON [bs].[media_set_id] = [bmf].[media_set_id] INNER JOIN sys.databases d on rs.[destination_database_name]=d.name and d.name = @DatabaseName -- if the database doesn't exist, return null ORDER BY [rs].[restore_date] DESC
--drop table #restore_active_list
select max([restore_date]) as restore_date, [destination_database_name], [backup_type] into #restore_active_list from #restore_list group by [destination_database_name], [backup_type]
--select * from #restore_active_list order by [destination_database_name],restore_date
delete rl1 --select * from #restore_active_list rl1, #restore_active_list rl2 where rl2.backup_type='Full' and rl1.restore_date < rl2.restore_date and rl1.[destination_database_name]=rl2.[destination_database_name] -- any restore prior to the most recent full does not count
delete rl1 --select * from #restore_active_list rl1, #restore_active_list rl2 where rl2.backup_type='Inc' and rl1.backup_type='Log' and rl1.restore_date < rl2.restore_date and rl1.[destination_database_name]=rl2.[destination_database_name] -- any 'Log' restore prior to the most recent 'Inc' doesn't count select 'Full' as ToRestore,'Full' as FromRestore, 0 LogLogMatch into #To_From_Trade union all select 'Inc','Full',0 union all select 'Inc','Inc',0 union all select 'Log','Full',0 union all select 'Log','Inc',0 union all select 'Log','Log',1 select max(rl.backup_start_date) as max_backup_start_date ,max(T.LogLogMatch) as LogLogMatch --* from #restore_active_list arl, #restore_list rl, #To_From_Trade T where arl.restore_date=rl.restore_date and arl.[destination_database_name]=rl.[destination_database_name] and arl.[backup_type]=rl.[backup_type] and T.ToRestore=@DatabaseRestoreType and T.FromRestore=arl.backup_type --order by 1 desc
end go
Now I can do exec getDBRestoreDate '<Database Name>', 'FULL' to get the date of the most recent full for my scripts that restores fulls.
Also, my log-shipping scripts use exec getDBRestoreDate '<Database Name>', 'LOG' to get the date of the most recent restore, and then they compare that to the timestamps on the files to find which one if any to restore next.
also, here is a modified version I use for reporting.
go set nocount off go drop procedure getDBRestoreDates go create procedure getDBRestoreDates as begin --drop table #restore_list
--get all the restores with right data attached SELECT [rs].[destination_database_name], [rs].[restore_date], [bs].[backup_start_date], [bs].[backup_finish_date], [bs].[database_name] as [source_database_name], [bmf].[physical_device_name] as [backup_file_used_for_restore], case bs.type when 'D' then 'Full' when 'I' then 'Inc' when 'L' then 'Log' else 'Unk' end as [backup_type] into #restore_list FROM msdb..restorehistory rs INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs ON [rs].[backup_set_id] = [bs].[backup_set_id] INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bmf ON [bs].[media_set_id] = [bmf].[media_set_id] INNER JOIN sys.databases d on rs.[destination_database_name]=d.name ORDER BY [rs].[restore_date] DESC --select * from #restore_list order by 1,2
--drop table #restore_active_list
--get a list of the last of each type for each db select max([restore_date]) as restore_date, [destination_database_name], [backup_type] into #restore_active_list from #restore_list group by [destination_database_name], [backup_type]
--select * from #restore_active_list order by [destination_database_name],restore_date --remove the old restores delete rl from #restore_list rl inner join #restore_active_list ral on rl.[destination_database_name]=ral.[destination_database_name] and rl.[backup_type]=ral.[backup_type] and rl.restore_date<ral.restore_date
-- any restore prior to the most recent full does not count delete rl1 --select * from #restore_active_list rl1, #restore_active_list rl2 where rl2.backup_type='Full' and rl1.restore_date < rl2.restore_date and rl1.[destination_database_name]=rl2.[destination_database_name]
-- any 'Log' restore prior to the most recent 'Inc' doesn't count delete rl1 --select * from #restore_active_list rl1, #restore_active_list rl2 where rl2.backup_type='Inc' and rl1.backup_type='Log' and rl1.restore_date < rl2.restore_date and rl1.[destination_database_name]=rl2.[destination_database_name]
--If you are looking for the most recent time of a certain type of restore, certain other types of restore can override select 'Full' as ToRestore,'Full' as FromRestore, 0 LogLogMatch into #To_From_Trade union all select 'Inc','Full',0 union all select 'Inc','Inc',0 union all select 'Log','Full',0 union all select 'Log','Inc',0 union all select 'Log','Log',1 select arl.[destination_database_name] --, T.ToRestore , arl.[backup_type] , max(rl.restore_date) restore_date , max(rl.backup_start_date) backup_start_date , max(rl.backup_finish_date) backup_finish_date , min(rl.backup_file_used_for_restore) as ex_backup_file_used_for_restore from #restore_active_list arl , #restore_list rl --, #To_From_Trade T where arl.restore_date=rl.restore_date and arl.[destination_database_name]=rl.[destination_database_name] and arl.[backup_type]=rl.[backup_type] --and T.FromRestore=arl.backup_type group by arl.[destination_database_name] --, T.ToRestore , arl.[backup_type] order by 1,2,3
end go exec getDBRestoreDates
I have a reporting server, and advanced users of the server often want to know what time the data is from. This generates data for the report I'm using now.